  • 學位論文


Role Attitudes and Role Play Experiences of Female Breadwinner in Economically Disadvantaged Family

指導教授 : 鄭麗珍


近年來,女性勞動參與率的提高使得雙薪家庭的比例逐漸攀升,而隨著男性失業風險的增加以及女性薪資能力追趕的情形下,「女性養家者」的角色亦開始被重視,女性養家者的出現在個人的角色經驗與認同、家庭性別分工與權力關係、婚姻品質與滿意度、勞動市場結構與社會政策等層面皆有影響,然而有關女性養家者的角色態度與角色實踐經驗在現有研究中均較少被提及。由於在社會工作的實務領域中,不少經濟弱勢家庭都倚賴女性作為家庭的主要養家者,故本研究以經濟弱勢家庭內的女性養家者為研究對象,探討她們在角色就位的歷程、性別角色態度變化、家庭角色實踐的經驗。 本研究採用質性研究的深入訪談法,透過立意抽樣的方式,訪談七位在經濟弱勢雙親家庭內至少有一名18歲以下子女的女性養家者。研究發現「養家者」角色的形成歷程受到外在情境因素與內在自我就位的趨力影響,包含先生就業力減弱、家人期待、性別社會化、母職動力、夫妻相對責任等因素。受訪者在性別角色態度方面則呈現「傳統保守型」、「突破改變型」、「現代開放型」等三種樣貌,影響其差異的原因可能來自於文化與性別規範、年齡及教育程度、經濟力的相互角力。實踐家庭角色時,經濟弱勢家庭女性養家者有傳統與現代價值並存的現象,既維持傳統照顧子女及從事家務的女性角色,和先生互動與決策時卻又開始展現其權力與主動性。而這群女性養家者除須負擔經濟重任外,亦有焦慮及疲累等內在心理壓力。 依據研究結果,本研究在政策制度面與社會工作實務面分別做出建議,政策制度面建議應去除以「身分」為主的社會政策迷思,並提升女性薪資水準和就業支持制度、加強性別平等教育。社會工作實務應落實「以家庭為中心」的服務思維、關注女性養家者的情緒壓力、加強宣導婦女服務資源。


In recent decades, we have witnessed an upward trend of female labor force participation rate, and the number of double income families has increased. However, due to the rising male unemployment rate and female earning ability, more and more women take the role “female breadwinner (FBW)” in a family. The development trend may have impact on the female role experience, the quality of marriage, labor market structure, and family policy. This study intends to examine how women would adjust the new FBW role in economically disadvantaged family in terms of gender role attitude and role taking experience. This study adopted a qualitative research approach. Seven women were in-depth interview who have been the breadwinner in two-parent families with at least one child aged below 18. The results showed that these women taking the role of FBW were drived by external and internal forces, including lessening earning ability by their husbands, meeting family anticipation as a daughter-in-law, conforming gender role expectation, concerning children needs as a mother, and fulfilling marriage responsibilities as a wife. Moreover, taking the FBW’s role changed their attitudes toward female role in a family. Three categories of the role types were extracted from the interviews as traditional, changing, and modern styles. And their new FBW role experiences in marital and parental subsystem were shaped by traditional culture and gender norms, However, these women were so busy to work to make the ends met that they did not have time and energy to pursue their personal needs. Based on the findings, suggestions regarding family policy and social work practice were included.


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