  • 學位論文


A Case Study on the Business Model Design of 24H Pharmacy Chain Store in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李吉仁


藥局是知識密集的行業,但在競爭激烈的臺灣市場中,藥局不僅需面對外國藥妝店的入侵,更須面對國內具規模連鎖藥局競食。藥局不僅要找出自己的核心能力進行差異化的經營,更要不斷優化藥局之商業模式,如何有步驟、有系統的進行藥局企業多元化轉型,實乃藥局的重要經營課題。此外,由於大陸旅客來台旅遊人數的快速成長,帶動臺灣在藥局百貨領域的快速成長,如何能夠有效掌握此一商機,更是藥局業者的機會與挑戰。本論文研究擬針對此一議題,以24小時全年無休的連鎖藥局模式,進行深度的個案研究,期能成為藥局的創新營運模式。 在研究上,本研究採取Alex Osterwalder 所提出的九宮格畫布為架構,配合藍海策略的差異化系統圖,針對個案藥局的經營現況,提出策略、組織與人才培育的整體建議,期能透過培植百位小獅王做為展店之基礎骨幹,並據以建立團體的核心能力,型塑可執行的策略架構,以進行組織的變革管理,與企業文化的再革新。 在此個案研究的基礎上,本論文並提出對於藥局如何運用商業模式的規劃,重新配置個案藥局之九大元素,並以藥局之專業技能作為發展核心能力和跨行業異業結盟的基礎,開創新的藥局經營模式;同時,本研究亦針對藥局持續成長問題的若干問題,提出可行策略建議。


Pharmacies have been characterized as knowledge-intensive industry and have to maintain constant growth while facing fierce competition in Taiwan. They have to face the stiff competition both from foreign drug stores and large-scale pharmacy chains or consortiums. Pharmacies have to clearly identify their core competencies upon which differentiation strategy can be organized. In addition, they have to constantly revise and optimize their business model. How to systematically initiate all necessary changes so that business can be reasonably diversified becomes a critical issue for corporate management. In addition, retail pharmacies have undergone rapid growth due to the surge of Chinese visitors coming to Taiwan. How to take full advantage of such a business opportunity becomes a critical challenge for many pharmacy owners in Taiwan. In the light of such potential business opportunities, this thesis proposes an innovative business model of pharmacy chain in order to develop a blue ocean market in Taiwan. Based on a real world case study on a local pharmacy chain, our research prescribes a 24-hour pharmacy chain for discussion. Based on the framework of Blue Ocean Strategy and Alex Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas, this thesis provides suggestions covering from strategy, organization to staff development for making pharmacy chains competitive. By developing young talents to serve as store managers, this model can be replicated efficiently based on the strategic architecture and competence configuration. Overall, the present thesis offers useful suggestions concerning how a pharmacy makes use of business models to plan and reconfigure their resource according to the guidance of Osterward’s nine building blocks of business model canvas, how they develop new business models for pharmacies by leveraging upon their professional skills, core competencies and the concept of cross-industry alliances. Implications of these research results are also discussed.


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天下編輯部,李吉仁,吳相勳,2014,從卓越到長青的關鍵決策:標竿龍頭企業屹立20年的制勝心法,台北: 天下雜誌。
