  • 學位論文


A Study of the Requirement and Functionalities for Academic Libraries’ Apps

指導教授 : 林奇秀


近年來行動通訊服務蓬勃發展,圖書館也已推出一系列服務因應需求,行動應用程式即是圖書館提供服務平臺之一,也被視為是滿足使用者需求的有力工具,但在應用程式商店中的低下載次數也顯示現有的圖書館App和使用者期待有所落差。為深入了解目前大專院校圖書館App的概況,以及大專院校學生對圖書館App的需求與期待,本研究採用混和方法研究,依序以調查法了解目前大專院校提供行動服務現況,再以內容分析法探究目前現有的圖書館App提供的功能以及內容,接著分別以焦點團體法與深度訪談法瞭解學生與館員對於App的功能、內容與系統方面的意見,最後則是以前述方法所獲資料作為基礎,利用層級分析法瞭解功能、內容與系統層面下各要素之於開發App的相對重要性、開發優先順序,以及館員與學生看法上的落差。 截至2015年1月,國內159所大專院校中僅有38.99%的圖書館提供行動服務,有提供整合或者單一功能圖書館App更是僅有27所(16.98%),針對圖書館App的內容分析也顯示,現有的圖書館App大多被定位為館藏檢索與圖書館相關資訊的工具,甚少直接提供資訊的內容,雖然與焦點團體訪談中的學生需求相呼應,但學生對於以智慧型手機直接取用圖書館的資訊內容並非全無需求,特別是在手邊沒有電腦或者在移動的情境下,學生表示會希望在手機上閱讀非學術性的期刊雜誌,或者使用影音資源。比較以學生為對象的焦點團體訪談,以及以館員為對象的深度訪談的結果,可知雙方在功能面向上的共識程度較高,而共識較低的項目,其原因主要是因為館員在開發的過程中,尚須考慮人力不足、系統與廠商等技術性問題以及經費不足等問題。 層級分析法的結果顯示,館員與學生在功能層面各項目的評比中沒有出現太大的意見歧異,為雙方共識程度相對高且為App開發中最重要的層面。內容層面的分析結果則顯示出較大的意見差異,特別是在「電子書」與「語言學習資源」的討論上。系統層面在三大層面的評比中為最後一名,但因為相對權重的數值差異並不高,在整體排名中,系統功能的需求更加被凸顯,表示系統層面的重要性是被低估的。


With growing popularity of mobile devices, libraries have begun offering mobile services. The two major service types are mobile Websites and apps. However, existing literatures lack information on how libraries in Taiwan have addressed user needs for mobile services and to what extent apps are used as a means for mobile services delivery. Thus, this study employs a combination of research methods including survey, content analysis, focus group, in-depth interview, and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) questionnaire to study the following four research questions: (1) To what extent university libraries in Taiwan have offered mobile services via mobile Web or apps? (2) What are the user needs and expectations for university library apps? (3) What difficulties do libraries face in developing apps? (4) How do librarians and students perceive the design priorities of university library apps in regards to service functions, information content, and system setup? The survey showed that, by January 22, 2015, 62 of the 159 (38.99%) university and college libraries in Taiwan had provided either mobile websites or apps. Twenty-seven libraries (16.98%) had together offered 30 library apps, six of which were single-function apps; 24 were multi-functional apps. Content analysis of the 24 multifunctional apps revealed that many of the existing apps supported library collections search and provided library-related information, but none of them provided full access to electronic resources. Although the current designs fulfilled partial user needs, the focus group interviews revealed that students expected more in flexible and seamless service functions and access to some electronic resources. Comparing the results from student focus group interviews and librarian in-depth interviews, it shows that librarians and student users agreed on some service components, while librarians were further concerned of some difficulties and challenges such as insufficient human resources, lack of funding, technical and legal issues with existing information system and content sources, et cetera. The AHP analysis further revealed librarians and students’ perceptions of the design priorities of library apps. The two parties shared higher agreement on the dimension of service functions. But on the other hand, greater disagreement was observed in the dimension of information content: while librarians placed a rather great emphasis on access to e-books, students expected more access to language learning resources and comparatively disregarded mobile access to e-books. The system setup was the least considered dimension by both parties.


宋曜廷、張國恩、于文正(2006)。行動載具在博物館學習的應用:促進 [人—機—境] 互動的設計。博物館學季刊,20(1),17-34。
