  • 學位論文


The Intention of Business Customers Using the Intelligent Energy Network Service

指導教授 : 婁國仁


隨著資訊與通訊科技的進步,網路已不再僅僅是提供人們上網的功能,利用物聯網的特性,將所有的物件連結上網功能,進而整合成為一個虛實整合、人與物、物與物溝通的資訊網路。藉由物聯網的技術,透過網路無所不在的特性,發展出由雲端平台監控用電情形的節能服務-智慧節能服務(iEN ,Intelligent Energy Network Service)。 目前國內外已有許多通信廠商與科技公司紛紛投入大量資金來研發此項服務,但也因此項服務屬創新科技,許多企業在採購一項創新科技時必須評估各項因素來權衡利弊,故本研究將要探討「產品內容」、「企業環境的不穩定性」、「企業組織架構特性」及「資訊科技」等四個構面是否會影響企業是否採用此項智慧節能產品的意願。 為提供消費者更優質且更實用的產品,也期待能提供企業未來擬定行銷策略之方向參考,本研究將針對研究結果與產品行銷策略作一整理,期望未來能夠為企業與消費者帶來雙贏局面。


With the rapid development of modern information technology, the Internet is no longer limited to web browsing. The Internet of Things is one invention to virtually integrate all objects, providing a communication path between people and objects, and among objects. The Internet of Things utilizes the ubiquitous trait of the Internet to form a new energy-saving service called the iEN (Intelligent Energy Network), via cloud monitoring. In recent years, many local and overseas telecommunication and information technology enterprises have been investing heavily into the study of iEN. As the iEN is a rather new concept and technology, corporations need to consider various factors when purchasing this innovative service. This study analyzes the iEN service through product details, the unpredictability of the corporate environment, corporate organization, and information technology to understand their impact on a corporation’s decision to adopt this new technology. This research is conducted to present better and more practical products for consumers, as well as provide enterprises with a piece of advice to formulate marketing strategies in the future. The study will organize all data collected, and looks to help enterprises and consumers achieve a “win-win situation”.


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