  • 學位論文

博物館行銷之研究: 以柏林博物館島為例

The study of museum marketing: A case of Museuminsel in berlin

指導教授 : 卓忠宏


早期的博物館的功能僅是以收藏為主,但因應社會的需求與轉變,博物館在功能與角色上也有所改變,傳統博物館的功能是以研究、收藏、保存、展示為重心;而現今的博物館則須加上休憩、資訊、溝通、教育等功能。因此,在社會環境的變遷之下,博物館在追求博物館的使命價值時也必須運用行銷的手法以爭取觀眾,使觀眾更喜愛博物館。 德國擁有豐富的文化景觀,境內有近6400家博物館,是博物館富裕的國家之一。博物館與觀光經濟產生緊密結合,博物館的精彩展覽可吸引廣大人潮,有助於周邊的餐飲、交通、住宿等相關行業的經濟活動,而柏林集中發展的博物館則有利於都市整體文化氛圍、博物館規模的發展與形成,進而帶動文化產業的興盛。 本研究以柏林博物館島為研究主體,以行銷組合4P面向和博物館建築,來檢視博物館的行銷策略。根據博物館島的相關參考資料中,釐清博物館島從籌備、規劃、營運等各個面相,以了解博物館島的發展脈絡,以及柏林博物館觀光產業得運作,並探討博物館島與其所處環境之社會文化關係。 研究發現博物館島行銷策略的部分,最主要是透過特展來吸引觀眾,而行銷工具以網路通路最為廣泛。柏林2010至2014年的訪客有37%是來自國外來的觀光客,2010至2014柏林國際遊客成長率為38%、國際過夜遊客成長率則是46.9%;柏林旅行社或旅遊經營業者數量也增長了33間業者,營業額從2010至2013年成長了42%。


In the early stage, the function of the museum is collection. But along with the change in times and society, the role of museums also has changed over time. Besides the core functions of museum, it has recreation, information, communication and education. In our modern society, it has become necessary and indeed urgent for museums to redefine their missions, their goals, their functions and their strategies to reflect the expectations of a changing world. Germany has a vibrant culture landscape, there are nearly 6400 museums. Museum exhibition can attract the majority of the crowd and also drive around the industry. Museums and galleries are key drivers of Berlin tourism and play a significant role in attracting visitors and in building the Berlin brand overseas. In this study, Museumsinsel is our research subject, used marketing mix 4P to view the museum's marketing strategy. According to the reference Museumsinsel, clarify the museum from the preparation, planning, operations, can understand the context and conditions of the Museumsinsel. Findings the part of the marketing, which the most important is through the special exhibition strategy to attract viewers. Marketing tools, the most widely used network path. Part in tourism and recreation Industry efficiency, statistics of Visitors to berlin in 2010-2014 from Overseas is 37%, international overnight visitor’s growth rates is 46.9%. The number of tour operator is increase and the turnover’s growth rates in 2010-2013 is 42%.


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