  • 學位論文


Introduction to Entanglement and Quantum Computing

指導教授 : 何俊麟




In this thesis, we introduce the history of entanglement development, and some interesting applications of it. Entanglement appeared for the first time in the EPR’s Gedankenexperiment, which argued that quantum mechanics was not a complete theory. Afterwards, Bohm reinterpreted EPR’s Gedankenexperiment with hidden-variable and locality in order to distinguish from the probability interpretation. For finding out which viewpoint was more correct, Bell inferred an inequality of entanglement to show the conflicts of these interpretations and provide a basis for experiments. Because it was difficult to test Bell’s inequality in experiment, CHSH rewrote the Bell’s inequality and proposed a better experimental scheme. Aspect’s team completed the experiment, which was based by CHSH’s scheme, and proved the entanglement existed. Since entanglement existed truly, the next step to find out the methods of measuring the degree of entanglement. We herein introduce a method which quantifies the degree of entanglement with the idea of entropy. There are three kinds of entanglement application, which are the quantum computing, the quantum cryptography and the quantum teleportation. The quantum computing can solve the large number factoring problem and it takes less steps completing the searching, therefore significantly decreasing the time that classical computing needs. The quantum cryptography let us find out whether the eavesdropper exists or not, so we can secure the secrecy of communication. The quantum teleportation allows us to transmit particles to the receiver, instead of transmitting the particles directly.


[1] M. Born, “Quantenmechanik der Stoßvorgänge”, Zeit. Phys. 38, 803(1926).
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[4] E. Schrödinger, “Discussion of Probability Relations between Separated Systems”, Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 31, 555(1935).
[6] J. S. Bell, “On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox”, Physics, 1, 195 (1964).
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