  • 學位論文


Analysis of French Public Broadcasting System and Media Industry

指導教授 : 李美華


大眾傳播媒體的一直是歐洲各個國家所關心的核心議題。歐盟各個會員國近年來越來越擔心,因媒體的壯大,進而導致社會上的資訊接收不平衡狀態。而媒體與國家之間緊密的互動關係,就如同政治與文化的共同體。隨著媒體勢力在公共領域的擴大,政府的政策在執行範圍有限之下,現代各國政府將重新定義媒體在社會中的角色。 法國自80年代以前公共傳播體系是由國家政府所壟斷,然而在密特朗(Francois Mitterrand)總統執政之後,積極地推動媒體民營化,並於1982年成立最高視廳傳播委員會(CSA, Le Conseil superieur de l’audiovisuel),委員會成立的宗旨是為促進法國廣電媒體的開放與自由。有鑒於法國政府在塑造國家認同和國家文化方面不遺餘力,其實行多年且完善的文化政策更是世界各國所學習、取鏡之對象。 本研究首先探討歐盟傳播政策對於會員國之衝擊。其次,自80年代以來,法國政府受到國際環境與新科技發展之衝擊,整個廣播電視體系經歷了民營化過程。本研究觀察此一政策轉向對於法國媒體產業環境所造成的變遷,檢視廣電政策制度之背景、內涵和執行現況,並探討廣電政策對於媒體產業的影響。第三,法國的公共廣播電視體系,乃是由公營化轉變成現今的公共電視集團。本研究欲以過去的歷史背景為基礎,重新檢視現今公共廣播電視體系在法國社會裡所扮演之角色。


In recent years, the issue about media is highly concerned by European countries. The member states of European Union considered that the power of the media is greater and greater because of progress of technology. Moreover, they are worried that great media could cause imbalance of information in European Union. At the same time, the relation between countries and media is affiliated as a political and cultural entity. Due to the expansion of media in public sector, the governments of member states have to control this situation with their own measures. Since 1980s, European Union has its own audiovisual policy and then this policy is applied by each member state. Although each member state is oblige to abandon their ascendance in audiovisual sector by audiovisual policy, French government is still emphasis “cultural exception” on audiovisual sector and defend its own special cultural spirit. This typical case reflected the position of French government is intervention in audiovisual sector. Public broadcasting is a part of audiovisual sector. During 1980s, French public service lost their monopoly position because of the change of environment. After 1980s, French government stimulated the public service to be more competitive with policies. Consequently, French government created a dual system in audiovisual sector:one is public broadcasting system;the other one is commercial broadcasting system. The purpose of French government is maintaining internal diversity by this special dual system. This study is focus on diversion of audiovisual policies in French broadcasting system since 1980s. Therefore, author reviewed the background of French broadcasting system and audiovisual policies. Finally, author tempted to analysis the relation within government, policies and broadcasting system in French.


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