  • 學位論文


Utilize PPM theory to explore the switching intention of the streaming music subscribers

指導教授 : 羅惠瓊


2016年全球串流音樂收益成長率創新高達 60.4%,台灣串流收聽2015年同樣也創五年新高達61.72%,串流音樂已成為全球數位音樂的主流。本研究參考人口遷徙理論中的「推力-拉力-鎖住力模型」,及過去串流音樂相關研究,以發現影響使用者轉換或駐留於串流音樂服務商的決定因素。本研究以台灣目前仍付費使用串流音樂服務之用戶為研究對象,總計回收樣本數為467份,扣除未付費及無效樣本後,實際有效樣本為207份,再利用結構方程模式分析及檢測假說。研究結果發現(1)拉力效果(同儕影響及替代品吸引力)正向的影響使用者的轉換意圖(2)鎖住力效果(轉換成本)負向的影響使用者的轉換意圖(3)鎖住力效果對推力與轉換意圖具有負向調節作用。緣此,本研究建議串流音樂服務商應善用同儕影響力,並跨產業作更多元化的應用,營造新的欲望來吸引使用者轉換。除此之外,以使用者角度提供更深植人心的服務,降低其轉換意圖,同時強化客服人員溝通技巧,清處揭露退租服務損失權益,進而抑制使用者之轉換意圖。


The growth rate of earnings from streaming music around the globe in 2016 was as high as 60.4%. Similarly in Taiwan, the growth rate of earnings from streaming music in 2015 reached the highest point, 61.72% , in the most recent 5 years. Hence streaming music has become the mainstream of digital music around the globe. This study further refers to the “push-pull-pinning force model” and past literature on streaming music to explore important factors that influence the decisions of users to choose certain streaming music service providers. The research subjects in this study include users that pay for use of streaming music in Taiwan. A total of 467 effective samples are recovered. After samples from unpaid users and ineffective samples are eliminated, 2017 effective samples are left. The Structural Equation Modeling is employed for hypothesis testing. The research result shows that (1) the pull effect (including peer influence and attractiveness of alternatives) has positively influenced the will of users to choose alternative service providers, (2) the pinning force (switching costs) has negatively influenced the will of users to choose alternative service providers, and (3) the pinning force has negatively influenced both the push effect and the will of users to choose alternative service providers. Thus, this study suggests that streaming music service providers make good use of the peer influence and diversified applications across industries to lure more users. Meanwhile, if a service provider wishes to lower the will of users to choose alternatives, they can provide user-oriented services and train their customer service staff to be equipped with better communication skills, so that they can clarify the loss of rights and interests from lease cancellation to inhibit the will of users to choose alternatives.


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