  • 學位論文


Mitigation of Bridge Vibration Induced by High-Speed Train Using Active Control

指導教授 : 段永定


高速鐵路列車與各地方捷運列車系統為我們南北生活圈帶來更為便捷的交通,在高速鐵路與捷運列車經過之沿線地區,卻也隨之引致了列車所產生的噪音與車輛振動的重大問題。本研究係以簡易之分析模式達到合理及減短分析時間的效果。在本研究之模擬案例係模擬分析高架橋梁上部結構、橋墩柱、基礎及鄰近土層在空間中予以離散化模擬成個別且適當連結之子結構,分析在列車經過時所造成之車輛振動反應;並分析在橋墩柱上加設一主動控制系統裝置,以主動控制理論所推得之主動控制力來調降此列車造成振動之效果。同時利用土層衰減律求取鄰近地表之車輛振動反應結果,並使用1/3八音階寬頻分析算得相當之振動dB值來與振動標準之頻率與振動dB值做比較;另外利用主動控制理論分析在橋墩柱增設主動控制系統裝置之減振效益,並將經由主動控制調降之反應與振動標準量作比較。 研究發現:經由數個簡易外力輸入正弦函數(Sine Function)來驗證簡易分析之結果,結果發現主動控制理論所運算出之主動控制力可以有效地調降其結果;經過有限元素軟體SAP2000驗證過後,發現分析結果與本研究簡易分析模式結果相似,驗證其可行性,表示主動控制理論可對不同的頻率加以控制,不僅僅對單一簡易頻率有效;最後再以一模擬之列車行駛作用力運用至分析模式中分析,結果也顯示主動控制系統能夠直接有效地調降列車所引致之振動反應,達到減振之成效。


Significant ground vibrations are often encountered by facilities nearby a bridge pier due to a high-speed railway, sometimes causing disruption to production. A simplified 3 DOF analytical model has been established in this research, simulate a system of superstrcture, pier, and foundation(together with the surrounding soil). The dynamic high-speed-rail induced load has been applied to this 3DOF model. Vibration reponses are then obtained. A vibrator is assumed to be installed at the top of the pier to generate a wave to offset the vibration wave caused by the train propagating through the pier. The activation timing and the magnitude of the artificial vibration will be determined by an active control algorithm in real-time to mitigate the incident wave. Both the Closed-loop, Open-loop, and Closed-open-loop LQR control algorithms are evaluated and their effectiveness are compared. Furthermore, the soil attenuation law has been employed to estimate the vibration of the surround soil. The 1/3 octave band analysis are used as well to calculate the vibration in terms of dB. A “proof of concept” study is proposed herein to evaluate the effectiveness of a solution scheme. The results have shown that active control has successfully reduced the train-induced vibration.


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