  • 學位論文


Identification of Along-Wind and Torsional-Wind Aeroelasticity for bridge Section Model Using Indirect Forced Vibration Technique

指導教授 : 吳重成


顫振(Flutter)現象為段面結構受風載所產生一種氣彈互制。傳統上,結構顫振導數(Flutter Derivative)之識別採用自由振動方式,但其實驗結果常受周遭試驗環境影響。為改善缺點,本研究使用間接式強制振動的實驗方式。由伺服器的馬達給予振動平台強制振動,透過彈簧擾動段面結構模型,然後量測其在平滑流場下之氣彈戶制效應。 實驗架構為不同寬深比橋面版,其寬深比分為寬深比27、寬深比12.5以及寬深比8。 實驗流程分為非耦合顫振導數與耦合顫振導數識別,主要探討是水平向與扭轉向。均藉由氣彈戶制效應之轉換函數實驗值與理論值比較,在頻率域以曲線擬合最佳化識別出理論是中最佳參數,最後得到橋梁顫振導數。其中理論部分引用狀態空間方程式之觀念進行推導,而最佳化過程則引用基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm)求解,以確保得到最佳解。 本文以三種不同段面模型為例,使用淡江大學土木系風洞實驗室進行上述識別實驗,結果可以得到橋梁段面模型的非耦合顫振導數與耦合顫振導數,其寬深比27實驗結果和Sakar進行比較,以及在耦合項顫振導數識別中改善周泰安在實驗上的誤差,實驗結果寬深比27趨勢接近,而耦合項顫振導數在誤差上有明顯的改善。


Flutter is one of the aero-elastic behaviors in the wind-induced motion of cross-section structure . Traditionally , the structure of the flutter derivatives (Flutter Derivative) free-vibration mode of identification , but the results often affected by the surrounding test environment . In order to overcome these shortcomings,In this study the use of indirect methods forced vibration test . First , given by the servo motor vibration platform for forced vibration , structural model cross-section through the spring disturbance , and then measured in a smooth flow in each system under the aero-elastic response . The section model of an air foil and the models with width/depth ratios of 8 、 12.5 、 27 . The identification scheme proposed is composed of two parts , one is for uncoupled term flutter derivatives and the other is for couple ones . Study is primarily to horizontal and torsional . By comparing the frequency response function of aero-elastic responses with the theoretical values that are derived based on state space equation theory , the optimal parameters involved in the theoretical formula can be determined by using curve-fitting optimization which employs the Genetic Algorithm in the searching process to ensure achieving the global optimum . In this paper three different cross-section model as an example , the use of Tamkang University’s civil engineering laboratory wind-tunnel experiments the above-mentioned identification results can be non-coupled bridge deck flutter derivatives and coupled flutter derivatives , it’s width/depth ratios 27 of the flutter derivative and Sakar to compare the theory of style , and the coupled term flutter derivatives identified in the improvement of Tai-An Zhou error in the experiment . The results trend close to width/depth ratios 27 , while the coupled terms of flutter derivatives in a significant improvement on the error .


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