  • 學位論文


Individual vehicle estimation delay at signal intersection

指導教授 : 范俊海


台灣公路容量手冊中提到號誌交叉路口之績效評估為衡量號誌路口之服務水準主要指標之一,而號誌路口之績效評估主要以三大項指標作為衡量依據,分別是:流量/容量比、平均延滯時間、每週期最長排隊長度之平均值,其中平均延滯時間是最容易被計算取得的。然而在過往的延滯時間計算由於受限於資料蒐集與偵測方式的限制,僅能取得道路之流量、速度、密度等巨觀的相關資訊,因此在延滯模式之建立都是以巨觀角度進行模式建立,然而車輛行駛於號誌路口中會受到許多不同因素的干擾,且這些干擾均會對車輛之延滯產生重要的影響,然而在過往鮮少針對個別車輛建立估計延滯模式。 有鑑於此,本研究將利用影像攝影資料並以擷取單位時間畫面中個別車輛位置,並利用座標軸轉換與車輛軌跡之建立,取得車輛於實際道路中運行情形,該方式可以確實的追蹤個別車輛於分析時間內車輛移動軌跡,最後利用變數分析以了解車輛於號誌路口可能影響延滯的因素,並以迴歸模式建立個別車輛於號誌路口延滯計算模式,最終可以得到個別車輛於號誌路口中延滯估計值,將該週期之所有車輛延滯值加總即為該號誌週期總延滯值並可以與傳統延滯模式加以比較與分析差異處。


Taiwan highway capacity manual mentioned roadway performance measurement is one of important index of level of service. There are three indexes for performance measurement volume/capacity ratio, average delay time and average maximum queue length in cycle. Average delay time is most easy one to be calculated. But delay time calculation usually limited by data collection and device technology. We only can get some macroscopic information such as volume, speed and density. The delay model estimation used to build in macroscopic. However vehicle drive at signal intersection will impact by several factors. These factors will have major influence on vehicle delay. But there didn’t have much study on establish vehicle delay model in microscopic. In this study will use video record data divided by unit time to catch vehicle position. The position is used to coordinate axis conversion and build vehicle trajectory so as to get vehicle’s driving way. This method can actually track individual vehicle trajectory in unit time. Variable analysis to understand factors may impact vehicle delay. Establish individual vehicle delay model at signal intersection by regression model. The summation of all vehicle delay is the total delay of cycle. The total delay can compare to tradition delay model.


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