  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwan Strategic Deception

指導教授 : 沈明室


本論文為台灣戰略欺敵研究,以三個歷史案例作為研究對象,分別為國光計畫、核武相關計畫,以及第三次臺海危機。論文的研究目的在於台灣1949年以後之重大戰略活動,並以欺敵取向分析,配合相關時期(1954-2004年)的國內學術期刊以及國外相關理論文獻作為分析依據,關於理論部分則以D.C. Daniel 和 K.L. Herbig 所著《軍事戰略欺敵作戰》一書中所集結之文章與統合之欺敵理論為主要依據。 第一章為緒論,說明歷史研途徑在本文中的重要性,以及相關文獻對於欺敵的研究取向和台灣與戰略欺敵間之研究所帶來的限制與範圍。 第二章簡述欺敵的沿革後帶出理論發展的脈絡,並以歷史典範來指出欺敵的幾個固定特性,最後以現代學者所提出之理論來解釋欺敵的目的特性,以及手段來做為後面章節的依歸。 第三章分別以國光計畫、核武相關計畫、第三次臺海危機,作為案例,並以前章所提之理論配合該例當時之相關期刊文獻以分析其中之戰略欺敵。 第四章將前面兩章與三例統整並對我國所面臨的國際現況變化,分析大戰略中的戰略欺敵以及相關的因應之道。 第五章為結論,為總結國內期刊,並以「欺敵作戰工作小組」之理論為分析依據,將所得統理出一戰略欺敵之精要,其後在以中共學者觀點省思反視,並以我國立場做為應對觀點,最後推敲歸納出四點建議為我國加強之處,分別為:「思想面、計畫面、施行面、反制面」。


The thesis discusses Taiwan strategic deception. The thesis contains three types of historical case, including National Glory Project, Hsinchu Project and the Third Taiwan Strait Crisis. The research objective uses “deception orientation” to analyses major strategic activities after 1949 on Taiwan. Chapter1: Introduction, which includes research motives, research objectives, literature review, research method, research approach, field of research, research limitations, conceptual framework, and the structure of thesis. Chapter2: The chapter discusses the development of theoretical paragons of strategic deception with inspecting history of strategic deception, and uses historical examples to point out the features of strategic deception. Finally, the chapter explains why the characteristics of strategic deception come out by modern scholars’ theories. Chapter3: The chapter study “National Glory Project,” “ Hsinchu Project” and “the Third Taiwan Strait Crisis” as the case study; which analyses by the strategic deception theories, mentioned on the last chapter. Moreover, the chapter inspects relative literature at the time of three cases happening for analyzing strategic deception inside them. Chapter4: The chapter integrates theories on Chapter 2, three cases on Chapter 3 and recent international situation to analyses strategic deception in the Great Strategy, and to find the way for responding. Chapter5: Conclusion, which includes research review, research findings and future perspective. In the end, the chapter suggests the government to strengthen national strategic deception with principles of” thought,” “planning,” “applying” and “capability of prevention.”


Carl von Clausewitz著,鈕先鍾譯。《戰爭論精華》。台北:麥田,1986年。
壹、 中文資料

