  • 學位論文


The Impact of Climate Change on Migration and its inspiration to Taiwan

指導教授 : 翁明賢


人口為國家基本要素之一,其組成、素質、分布、發展及遷徙等面向,關係國家之發展與社會福祉。越來越多的證據及研究顯示,今後的全球氣候變遷可能越來越嚴重,而氣候變遷將如何影響人口移動,將是個人生命與國家社會安全之嚴肅課題。 本研究首先闡述氣候變遷目前全球主要氣候變遷的現象及影響,如溫度及海平面的上升,再談臺灣觀察之主要氣候變遷的現象及影響,觀察是否有相同或相異的氣候變遷。其次,並分析目前全球移民主要趨勢與原因,同時討論包括氣候難民,並以氣候變遷在過去及今日實際案例討論氣候改變如何影響移民;再將對臺灣的移民啟示做一分析。 最後,氣候變遷的觀察及預估(重大影響及災難),將是決策者未來調適策略或政策(包含移民)之制定及施行重大挑戰。


氣候變遷 遷徙 臺灣 移民 氣候難民


Population is one of the basic elements of country. Its composition, quality, distribution, development and migration, affect the development of state and social welfare. More and more evidence and research shows that in the near future, global climate change may be more serious so that the Influence of how climate change to population movement, will be an important issue for individual safety and national and social security. The study first describes the phenomenon of climate change and its major effects to the earth, such as the rice of temperature and sea level. It then compares the main phenomena and impact of climate change to Taiwan. Secondly, it will talk about the world's major trends and motivation of migration while discuss the situation of climate refugees. The paper will also discuss current and past examples on climate change to migration. Finally, analysis and consideration on climate change will be a major challenge for Policymakers to develop and adjust strategies or policies of migration.


Climate Change Migration Immigration Climate Refugee


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