  • 學位論文


The social progress and cultural development from “Erya” to “Shiming”

指導教授 : 盧國屏


《爾雅》是我國現存第一部有系統的詞書,首創以內容性質分類釋詞之體例,依類匯集大量先秦詞語,《釋名》成書較晚,在體例與內容上吸收了前者的優點,分類更加細密。兩書同為詞彙之書,其中所收羅的詞語代表當時社會所見;以成書年代而言,《爾雅》歷經長時間的成書過程,詞彙的編纂由周朝已開始進行,《釋名》則是成書於東漢末,兩本詞書的比較連繫,可以看到先秦至漢代文化變遷在詞語中的反映。本文以「從《爾雅》到《釋名》的社會演進與文化發展」為題,以社會史觀的角度連貫兩書間的詞彙,以下依章節順序說明內容提要: 上篇:詞書與詞彙的社會文化本質 上篇主要內容在討論詞書與詞彙的社會文化本質,依序為第一章「緒論」,敘述本題緣起、研究目的、前人研究成果及檢討,並提示本文研究之內容。第二章「《爾雅》與《釋名》的成書與體例」,整理兩書出現的時代背景、成書時間及作者考、以及說明兩書的訓詁體例及方法。第三章「詞書的文化本質」,解釋語言與文化的共生關係,以及詞彙如何反映社會演進,進而說明詞書的文化本質。第四章「《爾雅》與《釋名》詞彙分類之社會觀」,對兩書的詞彙分類進行比較研究,由篇目、詞彙本身、詞條釋義進行比較,以探求先秦至漢代的整體社會觀。第五章「《爾雅》與《釋名》的基本詞彙與社會演進」,將兩書收錄基本詞彙進行詞條詞彙比較,進而開展基本詞彙與社會演進之關係。 下篇:《爾雅》與《釋名》的社會文化系統 《爾雅》與《釋名》可各自開展其人文觀點的世界,在語言的詞彙體系中,反映出先民的文化系統。而經過兩書間的詞彙體系銜接,將兩部具有時序先後的詞書連貫,從《爾雅》到《釋名》間的文化流變將得以重現,共構出先秦至兩漢的社會演進及文化發展。下篇第一章為「自然天地範疇的文化詮釋」,將兩書在此範疇內的事類篇章,依詞條為單位,進行詞彙的連結與比較,開展兩書在自然天地範疇的文化發展概括。第二章為「食衣住行範疇的文化詮釋」,依範疇內篇章進行詞彙的連結與比較,開展兩書在食衣住行範疇的社會演進面貌。第三章為「生理人倫範疇的文化詮釋」,以兩書在此範疇內的事類篇章為主,再輔以兩書的基本詞彙作為參考,進行詞彙的連結比較,開展兩書在生理人倫範疇的文化詮釋。第四章為「禮樂教化範疇的文化詮釋」,依範疇內事類篇章以及基本詞彙,開展兩書在禮樂教化倫範疇的文化詮釋。第五章「結論」總結以上各章的研究,呈現兩書語言文化建構的研究成果,並提出本文研究之限制及未來延伸方向。


爾雅 釋名 語言文化


“Erya” is the first systematically written dictionary in the preserved Chinese history; it has set up an innovative style of categorizing word-explanations by their context and properties; it has, accordingly, collected numerous expressions of early-Qin dynasty. “Shiming” was written later on and has taken the merits from “Erya” both in the style and the context, and on top of it, it has even adopted a more sophisticated categorizing system. The two are both books of words and the terms collected in them represent the contemporary social circumstances. In terms of published time, “Erya” has undergone a long period of writing process and the compiling of expressions has long started from the Zhou dynasty while “Shiming” was written in the end of the Eastern Han dynasty. The comparing and connection between the two dictionaries can explicate the culture changes reflected in word usages from early-Qin to Han dynasty. This article is titled as “the social progress and cultural development from “Erya” to “Shiming””, and connects the words in the two books with the perspective from the history of society. The content is briefly described below in subsequent order: First section: the social cultural essences of the dictionary and the words The first section mainly discusses the social cultural essences of the dictionary and the words. The first chapter is the “Introduction”, describing the origin of the study, the statement of purpose, previous studies and review, and pointing out the content of this study. The second chapter, “The written and style of “Erya” and “Shiming””, discusses the age background, the written time, the writers, and explains the styles and methods to interpret and make glossaries and commentaries on classic texts in the two books. The third chapter, “The cultural essences of dictionary”, elaborates the symbiosis between language and culture and how word usages reflect the progress of society. The fourth chapter, “The social perspective of making glossaries in “Erya” and “Shiming””, compares the categorizing systems in the two books. By comparing the table of contents, words themselves, the commentaries of the expressions, this chapter further discusses the integral social perspective from early-Qin to Han dynasty. The fifth chapter, “The basic words and social progress in “Erya” and “Shiming””, compares the basic expressions collected in the two books and proposes the relationship between the basic expressions and the social progress. The second section: The social cultural systems of “Erya” and “Shiming” “Erya” and “Shiming” can respectively elaborate their own worlds with cultural viewpoints; in the framework of language, they reflect the cultural systems of our ancestors. By connecting the frameworks of the two subsequent dictionaries, the changes of culture from “Erya” to “Shiming” can be re-constructured, and hereby establish the social progress and cultural development from early-Qin to Han dynasty. The first chapter in this section is “The cultural annotation in the category of nature world”. By linking and comparing the dictionary entries categorized in this field, similar expressions are arranged to discuss the cultural development in the nature world field. The second chapter is “The cultural annotation in the category of food, clothes, residence, and transportation”. By linking and comparing the words categorized in this field, similar expressions are arranged to discuss the social progress in the daily field of food, clothes, residence, and transportation. The third chapter is “The cultural annotation in the category of physiology and human relationship”. This chapter mainly connects and compares the related chapters in the two books and uses the basic words as references to develop the cultural annotations in the physiology and human relationship field. The fourth chapter is “The cultural annotation in the category of etiquette, music, teaching and transformation”. This chapter uses the related chapters in the two books in conjunction with the basic words to develop the cultural annotations in the etiquette, music, teaching and transformation field. The fifth chapter “Conclusion” sums up the aforementioned chapters, demonstrating the results of linguistic cultural re-construction, and proposes the limit of this study and the potential directions in the future.


Erya Shiming Linguistic culture


