  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationships between Organizational culture, and Information Needs of Interviews

指導教授 : 蕭瑞祥


軟體開發專案的主要過程分為:需求分析(Requirement analysis)、設計(Design)、編碼(Coding)、測試(Testing)四個階段;Brooks(1975)指出,成功的軟體專案開發時程為:系統分析(規劃)佔 1/3、設計(撰寫程式)佔 1/6、單元測試佔1/4、整合測試佔1/4;歷年的Standish Group報告指出,導致軟體專案失敗的最主要原因與資訊需求有關,證實與成功專案最密切的因素是良好的需求管理。需求分析階段的工作中,首要的工作就是需求確認,需求確認一般採用訪談法。因此本研究探討組織文化與資訊需求訪談之關係,以個案訪談和問卷調查法,得到不同的組織文化主要會對應「不一致需求」的資訊需求訪談問題,並根據研究結果提出建議,提供管理階層或系統分析(訪談)人員參考,俾使在系統分析階段前作好準備,讓專案順利進行。


The main process of software development project is divided into: Demand analysis (Requirement analysis), Design (Design), Coding (Coding), Testing (Testing) in four stages; Brooks (1975) pointed out that the success of software project development schedule as follows: the system analysis (Planning) accounts for 1 / 3 design (Coding) accounted for 1 / 6, unit testing accounts for 1 / 4, integration testing accounts for 1 / 4; The Standish Group reported that over the years, leading to the main reason for the failure of software projects and information requirements relating to confirm the success of the project with the most closely related factor is a good demand management. Needs analysis phase of its work, the first job is to demand recognition, needs to confirm the general use of interviews. Therefore, this study was to investigate organizational culture and information needs of the relationship between interviews, case by case interviews and questionnaire survey, get a different organizational culture will mainly correspond to "inconsistent demand" information needs of interview questions and, based on the findings and recommendations and provide the management or the Systems Analysis (interview) staff for reference, to enable the analysis phase to prepare for, so that the project proceed smoothly.


8. 組織行為(李茂興譯),民90,臺北市:揚智文化事業股份有限公司。
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