  • 學位論文


The German-Polish Relations Since Schröder's Goverment(1998-2007)

指導教授 : 郭秋慶


1998年德國施洛德政府上台後至今,德國與波蘭的關係開始有了不同以往的發展,德波關係在這段期間內深受到各自國內政治情勢變化與在外交政策上分歧的影響,本文將藉由探討雙方在新現實主義思維下的競爭與合作,來釐清雙方的外交政策理念對德波關係以及歐盟統合的意義。 本文期望能對以下三個課題得出結論: 1.德波關係近年來的發展對歐盟的深化有何貢獻? 2.德國如何在歐盟東擴過程中獲取其國家利益?而波蘭如何在確保國家主權與融入歐盟間取得平衡? 3. 近年來的德波關係發展,對歐盟內部的權力平衡帶來何種轉變??是否因此造成「核心歐洲」的東移? 最後本文將根據探討以上課題所得的結論與雙方近年來國內政治情勢的最新變化,來釐清德波關係在歐盟統合中扮演的角色。本文認為新現實主義的思維仍將主導未來德波關係發展的走向,而兩國未來外交政策的態度和立場也將深受到對國內政治因素優先考量的影響。


Since 1998 the Schröder’s Government in office, the German-Polish Relations have changed throughout the years and now look even more different than usual. These relations were deeply affected by the domestic political situation and by the difference of foreign polices in both countries. In this thesis, I will point out the German-Polish relations according to the neorealist theory that treats the competition and the cooperation between Germany and Poland. I will also analyze the foreign policies of both sides and the meaning of them to German-Polish Relations and the European Integration. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the questions as follows: 1. Had the development of German-Polish relations since 1998 achieved any contributions to the enlargement and deepening of the European Union? 2. Is the EU east enlargement consistent with the national interests of Germany and Poland? 3. Did the development of German-Polish relations since 1998 change the balance of power in EU and cause the “Core Europe’’ shift to the east? The purpose of the theses above is to clarify the role of the German-Polish relations in the European Integration. This thesis maintains that Neo-Realism will still dominate the development of Germen-Polish relations in the future. On the other hand, the stance and attitude of their foreign policies will be more deeply affected by domestic priority politics.


Jelonek, Adam W.(21.11.2007). “Poland and EU Treaty-Internal and External Factors”, International Conference on the 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and EU-Asia Relations,Tamkang University.


趙曉雲(2010)。民進黨執政時期的外交決策之研究 (2000—2008年)〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2010.00968
