  • 學位論文


Integrating Super3 Skill into Teaching Reading of Elementary School

指導教授 : 陳慶帆


資訊暴漲,知識擴充,網路世界無遠弗屆,閱讀成為適應未來生活的重要能力,能善用閱讀能力累積知識,解決面臨的問題,閱讀不僅只是閱讀,其牽涉學習者問題解決能力。本研究參考Super3技能設計閱讀教學活動,期望學習者能透過閱讀解決問題。 Super3乃由Eisenberg 和 Berkowitz提出計畫、執行、檢核階段,將原本Big6的六大階段按次序濃縮為三個階段,更適合本研究對象國小一年級學生作為解決問題之用。前置階段,運用故事文法圖分析6W及QAR策略以設定混雜問題、發問問題及學習單引導學生進行思考;計畫階段以腦力激盪對混雜問題進行討論與思辯作為開端;執行階段採用發問策略引導學生思考作為閱讀過程;最後的檢核階段運用自我檢核及同儕互評檢視學習成效及學習成品。 本研究發現問題設定須確認學習者的先備經驗及生活環境,教學歷程中不宜評斷學習者的意見發表,教師循序漸進的引導有助於學習者思考。另在學習者表現方面,「就在這裡」最初取決於學習者的拼讀能力而後逐漸熟練,「思考與尋找」易受表面文字誤導,「作者與我」需要教師引導嘗試多以他人立場進行思考,「靠我自己」有透過同儕修正自己的狀況,且會以曾有的經驗加強描述。評鑑需要教師的事先示範與說明,方能避免學習者依據個人喜愛的偏頗。


Super3 閱讀教學


With explosive information and extensive knowledge, cyber world is infinite, reading become an essential skill to cope with future life. Learners accumulate knowledge by reading to solve the up against problems. Reading is not only reading itself, but also including the capability of problem solving. The main purpose of this study was referring to Super3 skills for designing reading activities, and hoping learners can solve the problems by reading. Super3 was abbreviated from Big6 and comprises three stages: “plan”, “do” and “review” which was suggested by Eisenberg and Berkowitz for developing young learners’ problem solving abilities. This action research studied the first grade students for four months. Reading was the main theme; reading related picture books were the material, assigning a multiple topic based on students’ prior experience for conducting students’ thinking. “Plan” stage began with the strategies of brainstorming. “Do” stage applied four categories of guided thinking questions as reading process. “Review” stage used self-evaluation and peer-evaluation for reviewing the performance and outcome. This study found that the learners' prior knowledge and environment must be confirmed in advance. In classroom discussion, teachers don't comment children's opinions, teachers guide children step by step that help children's thinking. On the other hand, learners' performances, the "right here" decided by learners' spelling ability at first, and get the proficiency gradually; the "thinking and searching" easily confused by literal meaning; the "writer and me" needs teachers' guiding of diverse standpoints thinking;the self conditions of the "shrink or swim" can revised by peers, and reinforced the statements with exist experience. Review needs teachers' explanations and demonstration first to avoid learners' preference and prejudice.


Super3 Reading teaching


鄭妃玲,2004。教學魔法石—談促進思考的閱讀策略。教師之友,45 卷,1期。
