  • 學位論文


The study of constructing salesperson's presentation as conversation capital - an example of insurance salespeople

指導教授 : 黃哲盛


保險商品具有理財規劃、轉移風險等功能,已逐漸成為生活必需品之一,但保險商品卻具有幾項獨特性質如無形性、延後性、不確定性、非渴望性等,可能造成相關業務員在推銷商品時有所困難性。本研究則針對保險業務員在推銷過程中如何運用談話資本及相關技巧進而,進而提升己身、保險公司及客戶之整體價值等議題進行探討。而本研究主要採用之研究方法包含個案研究方法中的深入訪談法,以及同時搭配文獻資料分析法針對目標個案做一深入調查研討。有關本研究之幾項重要研究發現如下: 一、目前各家保險業者之商品銷售方式有別於傳統人情拉保單方式,進而注重理財專業及顧客關係經營 二、保險業務員可以利用談話資本經營概念,進行相關品牌形象及獲取長期顧客信任與忠誠度 三、未來保險商品應以老年退休理財規劃及長期照護為主,並可考量與其他金融理財業者或商品之整合性


Insurance products have some functions like of financial planning, risk transferring and become one of the necessities of life. But the insurance products also have several unique properties such as intangibility, delay, uncertainty, and non-desire, etc., might cause the salesman has difficulty in selling merchandise. The study aims at the insurance salesman how to sell with the concepts of conversational capital and related skills in the marketing process, and then to enhance the overall value of customers and the insurance companies. And the research method of this study includes in-depth case study interviews, and with literatures analysis. Several important findings of the study are as follows: 1.The current insurance companies are different from the traditional ways of selling products, and they focus on the professional images of financial management and the customer relations management. 2.The salesman of insurance could use the concepts of conversational to enhance their brand image and to get a long-term customer trust and loyalty. 3.In the future, it should focus on the related retirement insurance or financial planning products and the long-term care insurance , and other considerations of integrated financial planning commodities.


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