  • 學位論文

從「林志玲現象」與「名模熱」看台灣名模產業與影視娛樂產業之間 的關係:一個政治經濟學分析

A Political Economic Analysis of the Relationship Between the Supermodel Industry and the Media and Entertainment Industry In Taiwan.

指導教授 : 魏玓


二○○四年,模特兒林志玲驟然成為超級巨星,她被譽為「台灣第一名模」,不但引發所謂的「林志玲現象」,更掀起一陣「名模熱」。媒體是形成此一文化現象的推手,在不斷炒作之下,「名模」不僅成為一種「媒體景觀」,也讓模特兒產業與影視娛樂產業結合,產生穩定互動關係,演藝圈開始出現許多「名模藝人」。本論文以「林志玲現象」作為起點,分別以「模特兒產業」與「媒體」的角度出發,以不同面向探討「名模熱」的動態,以及「模特兒產業」與「影視娛樂產業」之間的互動關係。 研究發現,「名模熱」是在台灣媒體「小報化」、「商業化」的脈絡下產生,另一方面,「名模熱」也使得模特兒產業順利跨足影視娛樂產業,作為拓展模特兒表演市場的一個途徑。在「名模熱」的影響之下,新聞媒體與影視娛樂產業以操作相關文化商品來發揮名聲經濟的效益。感官主義盛行下演藝圈的外表至上運作邏輯,使得不一定具備演藝實力的模特兒,因為外表已受肯定,且受過專業走秀和儀態訓練,反而更具競爭力。至今模特兒產業與影視娛樂產業之間逐漸形成一種穩定且互惠的關係,也改變了雙方的運作生態。


In 2004, a fashion model Chi-ling Lin unexpectedly became a Super Star. She was honored publicly as ‘Taiwan’s Top Supermodel’ and raised the so-called ‘The Supermodel Heat’ in Taiwan. The mass media played a pivotal role in producing the fad and related cultural phenomena. The mass media transformed ‘supermodel’ into a media spectacle and prompted the integration and a systematic and continuing interaction between the model industry and the media and entertainment industry in Taiwan. There are increasing numbers of model engaging into the entertainment industry while at the same time maintaining their fashion model job. They have become a new breed of artist in the show business – ‘Supermodel Artist’. The research aims to examine that the dynamic processes of ‘The Supermodel Heat’ and the interactive relationships between the model industry and the media and entertainment industry in Taiwan by analyzing the different shifting processes of the two industries respectively. The research concludes that ‘The Supermodel Heat’ has been formed in a context of the recent ‘tabloidization’ and ‘commercialization’ of the mass media in Taiwan. However, the increasing connection with entertainment industry has fostered the model industry to expand the performing platform for its models and a new lucrative market for its business. On the other hand, the media industry produces the related cultural commodities with the materials provided by the supermodels and tries to achieve the effect of the celebrity economy. The sensationalism prevailing in today’s media and entertainment industry makes models, whose beautiful outlooks have already been recognized and body gestures have been well-trained, much more competitive. Today the model industry and the media and entertainment industry are both changed and have established a stable and reciprocally dependent relationship.


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韓豈杰(2016)。電影劇本 《上流美》創作論述〔碩士論文,國立臺北藝術大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0014-0809201615313900
