  • 學位論文


Effects of learning motivation and the hypertext annotation format on foreign language reading comprehension and the cognitive load theory of the technology university students

指導教授 : 楊明玉


資訊科技與網路的快速進展,平板電腦及智慧型手機的盛行,使得隨時可上網、下載及閱讀電子檔文件,已成為普遍的閱讀行為,在此環境下,若能提供相關的輔助閱讀工具,將有助於學習成效的提升。相關研究指出,若是閱讀外語文章時,提供單字註解,對於文義的理解能有所幫助。綜合以上兩點,超文本註解在閱讀電子檔文件時,即為一項方便的輔助工具,對於外語學習者在進行外語閱讀時更是如此。   超文本註解有多種的呈現方式,包括文字、圖型、影片、聲音,以及前述媒體的各式結合,然而並非所有模式均有助於學習成效之提升,不同的超文本註解模式,為學習者在閱讀過程中帶來不同程度的負荷。   根據認知負荷理論,教學或教材設計所造成認知上的負荷,會因為學習者的專家程度、先備知識,或是不同的學習動機,而出現不同的效應。本研究欲針對外語學習者探討,不同的超文本註解模式所帶給學生的學習成效及認知負荷,除了語言程度之外,是否也會因學習動機的差異而有所不同。   本研究將考量學習動機與超文本註解模式兩因素,透過準實驗設計法來探討其對學習成效與認知負荷之影響。本研究結果如下: 一、學習動機中的學習欲望與學習成效中的文義理解有顯著的正相關。 二、學習動機與認知負荷無顯著相關。 三、使用不同的超文本註解模式,對學習成效有顯著差異。 四、使用不同的超文本註解模式,對認知負荷有顯著差異。 五、認知負荷與學習成效中的單字學習有顯著的負相關。


With the rapid advance of information technology and the prevalence of smart phones, tablet PCs, online reading has become a common practice in modern life. The research pointed out that if you read the foreign language(L2), provide annotations can be helpful for understanding of the context. Based on the above two, hypertext annotations therefore stand out as one of the important tools that aid hypertext reading comprehension, especially for L2 reading . There is a variety of presentation of Hypertext annotation, including all kinds of combination of text, graphics, video, sound. However, different modes of annotation presentation bring about different degree of cognitive load. According to the cognitive load theory, the load incurred during the cognitive process varies with individual differences. The purpose of the present study is to explore whether or not the learners’ cognitive loads imposed by the presentation mode of hypertext annotation will be interactively influenced by learners’ learning motivation. This research will consider student’s learning motivation and the hypertext annotation format these two factors, to study the influence of foreign language reading comprehension and the cognitive load theory by experiment method.


[13]Al-Seghayer, K. (2001). The effect of multimedia annotation modes on L2 vocabulary acquisition: A comparative study. Language Learning & Technology, 5(1), 202-232.
