  • 學位論文

1960後台灣公寓型住宅未來發展可行性推演與研究 --環境文本下的高密度集居生活對策

In 1960 after studying the feasibility of future interpretation and development of Taiwan apartment-type housing. --High-density environments text of collective living life measures

指導教授 : 王文安


建造、使用、拆除是一棟建築都必須經過的生命週期,而我們面對的是在1960年代以後因為「高樓禁建」政策導致大量五層樓以下的舊型公寓式集合住宅林立狀況,也因此在現今的都市發展過程中提升建物使用年限及提出未來方向策略將是非常重要的課題。台灣除了傳統的合院與街屋外,五層樓以下的公寓式集合住宅是最主要的居住型式,但基於建築物興建者與產權投資者的不同而造成沒有明確的組織與管理,進而發生缺乏公共設施與社區意識等問題,這樣的問題反映在使用者的「二次性設計」。 台北地區自1960年至1975年間以逐漸開始具有都市相關計畫及法規的研擬,市中心的土地隨著都市計劃與人口增加而不斷的提高密度與價值,以至在城市有限的開發範圍內漸漸放寬高度與容積率之限制,透過爭取容積獎勵、容積移入的最大值也普遍成為都市更新常見的手段政策。因此本研究欲將都市更新提供兩個階段性的假設;假設一、藉由為空間權力的轉移[原法定容積獎勵、容積獎勵、容積轉移、免登記容積]制定政策與機制,使得投資更新的建商與原住戶能夠平均分配相互對等利益,提供地主與原住戶所自發性發起的都市更新一定程度的誘因。假設二、以都市更新為手段重新檢討各種必須性之生活居住空間與合適之建築退縮、組合型態,從科學性的角度考慮住戶原始生活之室內環境變化的舒適程度,除了提供公共開放與鄰里交流之空間外,也寄望在提高土地價值與建物價值的同時使得空間與居住品質能夠等價的提升及受到重視。


Construction, use and demolition was a building must go through the life cycle, 1960s because "ban high-rise construction" policy has resulted in a lot five-storey building everywhere of old apartment housing situation, Therefore How to prolong the service life of buildings was an important topic of the city. Taiwan in addition to the traditional architecture of the courtyard and arcades, the majority of people live on the fifth floor apartment, but the construction of different buildings and property investors are likely to cause no clear organization and management, resulting in a lack of public facilities and community cohesion, such problems are reflected in the user's "secondary design." Taipei gradually began to have urban planning from 1960 to 1975, land with urban planning as the population continues to increase and improve the density and value, and therefore within the scope of the city limited the Status of progressive deregulation of the building height and floor area , has become common means of urban renewal. Therefore, this study urban renewal wishing to provide two stages of assumptions; Suppose one, the transfer of power by the use of space policies mechanisms to improve incentives for those make investments to update and original tenants can work together with each other peer interests. Suppose two, by the scientific method to plan space and combined with the indoor environmental change, hoping to improve the land value and building value at the same time, the same attention to quality of living.


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