  • 學位論文


The effect on team performance and bank finanical consultant’s poaching attitude by supervisor’s charismatic leadership

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 張雍昇(Yong-Sheng Zhang)


近年來伴隨全球金融衍生性理財工具的蓬勃發展,金融市場波動循環週期越來越明顯。金融市場經歷2000年科技泡沬化、2008年金融風暴、2011年歐債問題等經濟危機使得銀行經營、財富管理獲利受到嚴重侵蝕。隨著金融市場的不穩定,銀行理專被挖角的情況時而可見,銀行競相運用以高薪挖角同業理專的徵才策略,甚至以挖角策略取代以往公司內部培育人才的方式。本研究目的在於探討主管魅力領導型態對團隊績效與銀行理專被挖角態度之影響。 本研究採便利抽樣之問卷調查法,以國內銀行在職理專為研究對象,以團測方式,總計發放問卷共204份,回收數量為204份,有效回收率為100%。並以相關、層級迴歸、獨立樣本t檢定及變異數分析等研究方法經實證分析,研究結論如下: 一、主管魅力領導對團隊績效之間具有顯著的正向影響。 二、主管魅力領導對銀行理專被挖角態度具有顯著的負向影響。 三、團隊績效對銀行理專被挖角態度具有顯著的負向影響。 四、團隊績效在主管魅力型領導對銀行理專被挖角態度影響中具有中介效果。 五、理專在部份人口統計變項之不同在其主管魅力型領導、團隊績效及被挖角態度上有顯著差異。 經由本研究結果可提供銀行理財部門主管發展留才策略,包括主管可參考魅力型領導對團隊績效的正向影響,以及主管魅力型領導能透過團隊績效降低團隊理專被挖角的情況,皆可作為管理措施之努力方向。


In recent years, accompanied by the vigorous development of the global financial derivative financial instruments, the cycle of financial market volatility is more and more obvious. The financial markets experienced in 2000 the tech bubble, the financial turmoil in 2008 and 2011 European debt problems, such as the economic crisis makes banks wealth management earnings have been seriously eroded. With the instability of financial markets, bank management designed to lure financial consultants as banks competing strategy by using high salaries, or even replace the previous promotion policy within the company by poaching strategy. The purpose of this study specifically in charge of the charismatic leadership style on team performance and the poaching attitude of financial consultants. In this study, a questionnaire using subjects of in-service of bank finanical consultants is designed to survey, a total of 204 questionnaires were sent by group survey method, and recycling number is 204, the effective ratio is 100%. And by using the hierarchical regression analysis, independent samples t-test and ANOVA methods, the empirical research conclusions are as follows: 1 Charismatic leadership has a significant positive impact on bank financial consultants team performance. 2 Charismatic leadership has a significant negative impact on bank financial consultant’s poaching attitude. 3 The team performance of financial consultants has a significant negative impact on their poaching attitude. 4 The team performance of bank financial consultants has a mediating effect on the relationship between charismatic leadership and their poaching attitude. 5 Some dfference demographic variables of bank financial comsultants have significant difference on the perception of charismatic leadership, team performance and poaching attitude. Through the results of this study provide bank financing department heads to develop retention strategies, including supervisors may refer to the positive effects of charismatic leadership on team performance, and the negative effects on financial consultant’s poaching attitude.


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