  • 學位論文


Mechanism study for the treatment of wastewater with Chelated Copper by Electrochemical Coagulation

指導教授 : 陳俊成


在電鍍、印刷電路板、金屬表面加工處理等工業中,擁有嚴重的重金屬及有機化合物等污染。製程作業中常使用螯合劑(EDTA)來當作金屬螯合劑,可提高整體的製程效率。由於此類廢此類廢水含有螯合劑,且與金屬離子有很強的螯合性,投入廢水中易形成金屬錯合物,導致以一般傳統化學混凝法無法有效的處理重金屬廢水。 本研究主要針對Cu-EDTA廢水進行試驗,並比較化學混凝法與電化學混凝法的重金屬處理可行性,在電化學混凝法處理中比較使用不同電解質氯化鈉、亞硫酸鈉;不同犧牲陽極鐵板、鋁板;不同操作電壓6V、12V;不同螯合濃度比例的銅離子去除效率差異。最後針對銅離子的去除機制進行探討,並判斷去除機制可能為以下五點: 1.極板本身或NaCl電解質產生氧化劑並破壞螯合劑結構,使銅離子攜出遊離於水溶液中。 2.銅離子的去除效率會受到[Cu2+]離子濃度增加及Cu/EDTA螯合比例增加而降低。 3.螯合劑與金屬間螯合常數關係,導致三價鐵離子與二價銅離子發生螯合取代機制。 4.藉由犧牲陽極所釋出的金屬離子形成混凝劑,與污染物達沉澱或共沉澱反應機制。 5.陰極極板及Fe2+的還原能力,將部分金屬離子還原於陰極極板或溶液表面中。


Plating wastewater containing metal ions with chelating agents to form chelated heavy metal complexes causes ineffectiveness in its treatment by conventional chemical coagulation. This study compares the treatment of wastewater with Cu-EDTA by chemical sedimentation, chemical coagulation and electrochemical coagulation. The mechanisms of the treatment of wastewater with Cu-EDTA by electrochemical coagulation are also studied. In the electrochemical coagulation comparison, different electrolytes, anode materials, operating voltage and chelating metal ratio are tester and compared. This study concludes the following findings: 1.The organic chelating agent EDTA is destructed by oxidation from both anode oxidation and NaCl electrolyte derived oxidants; hence the chelated copper ions are released into the wastewater solution for further coagulation and removal. 2.The removal efficiency of the EDTA chelated Cu2+ is decreased with the increased Cu2+ concentration and EDTA/Cu ratio. 3.Since the chelating constant between the EDTA and Fe is larger than that of EDTA and Cu, it is believed that some Cu2+ are replaced by Fe3+ to chelated with the EDTA in the electrochemical coagulation process. 4.Precipitation and/or co-precipitation occurred is one of the Cu removal mechanisms where the coagulant produced by electrolysis of metal anode absorbs the Cu2+ released from the chelating Cu-EDTA complexes and precipitated. 5.The reduction of Cu2+ on the cathode or by the Fe2+ also contribute to the Cu2+ removal.


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