  • 學位論文


The mediating effect of the public satisfaction in the effect of service quality of the court on word of mouth –the judicial service trust as a moderator.

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 張雍昇(Yong-Sheng Chang)


過去的公務員大多是官僚心態,對民眾的需求漠不關心,缺乏彈性,而法院向來被視為嚴酷的衙門,隨著時代變遷,民眾對於法院服務品質的要求越來越高。以往人民對於政府只有消極服從的義務,政府難有為民服務概念,遑論服務品質(吳沛峰,2004)。本研究探討法院行政服務品質管理如何透過提升民眾滿意度形成正面的口碑傳播,而司法服務信任度是否會影響法院行政服務品質與民眾滿意度間的關係,以及不同的人口統計變項在各個變項間的差異性。 Cronin & Taylor(1992)指出服務品質的好壞是民眾滿意度的前提且民眾滿意度對購買意願有顯著影響。Corbitt, Thanasankit, and Yi(2003)表示當企業的服務品質越高時,越能提高信任度。Anderson(1998)認為當消費者的期待不被滿足時,即民眾不滿意,會出現負面口碑傳播行為。 本研究中以大臺北地區法院(臺北地方法院、臺灣高等法院、臺北高等行政法院)之洽公民眾為研究對象,採用便利抽樣方式,以網路問卷及實體問卷兩種方式進行資料蒐集,共回收158份有效問卷。使用統計軟體SPSS19.0版進行描述性統計分析、信度/效度分析、因素分析,並以透過階層迴歸模型來進行假說的驗證進行資料分析。本研究假設包括:1.法院行政服務品質對民眾滿意度有顯著正向影響。2.民眾滿意度對口碑傳播有顯著正向影響。3.民眾滿意度在法院行政服務品質與口碑傳播之間有顯著中介效果。4.司法服務信任度在法院行政服務品質對民眾滿意度間有顯著調節作用。5.不同的人口統計變項在法院行政服務品質、民眾滿意度、口碑傳播及司法服務信任度上有顯著差異。 透過收集分析問卷內容,獲得上述研究假設1~2成立;假設3不成立,法院行政服務品質良窳直接造成口碑傳播行為,不必透過提升民眾滿意度來達到中介效果;假設4不成立,法院行政服務品質優劣對民眾滿意度有主導效果,不會受到司法服務信任度的調節作用;假設5的職業項目對各變項有顯著差異,部分成立。 實證結果顯示,師法企業化、以民意為導向之服務精神,高效率之行政作為,為當前各級法院最重要的目標。民眾對法院的行政服務品質高度重視,本研究建議針對反應性、可靠性、保證性、有形性推動人性化、彈性化、績效、走動式管理;提升民眾滿意度更能增強口碑傳播,改進官僚體制的缺點,善用大眾傳播媒體。聘請專業律師提供免費法律諮詢,以提升服務品質;強調司法便民禮民精緻化的觀念。


In the past, most of public officials persist in bureaucracy manner, treat people’s need careless, lack of flexibility, and make people see the court as an unfriendly environment. As time goes by, people require more the service quality of the court. In old time, people are responsible for acting civic duty citizenship, Government administrator is no clue how to serve people’s needs, not to mention about the service of quality (Pei-Feng Wu, 2004). This research discusses how to operate a service quality of court to improve the word of mouth by the mediating effect of the public satisfaction. And whether the judicial service trust may influence the relationship between the service quality of court and the public satisfaction. Finally we also investigate the differences on each variables by the different demographic variables.   Cronin & Taylor (1992) pointed out that service quality is good or bad is the premise of public satisfaction and it has a significant effect on purchase intention. Corbitt, Thanasankit, and Yi (2003) indicated that when the company's service quality is higher, the more it can increase trust. Anderson (1998) thought when the consumer's expectations are not being met that the people are not satisfied and there will be negative word of mouth behavior.   In this study, the public who have had some official experience with courts in the Greater Taipei Area (including Taiwan Taipei District Court, Taiwan High Court and Taipei High Administrative Court) would the proper subjects. For data collection, using convenient sampling, the surveys are conducted through an online google and paper based questionnaire. 158 valid questionnaires were obtained successfully. The collected data was analyzed with statistical software SPSS19.0 version using descriptive statistical analysis, reliability analysis, factory analysis & hierarchical regression analyses to verify the hypotheses. Research hypotheses include: 1. The service quality of the court has significantly positive effect on the public satisfaction. 2. The public satisfaction has significantly positive effect on word of mouth. 3. The public satisfaction mediates the relationships between the service quality of the court and word of mouth. 4. The judicial service trust plays a significant moderator role in the effect of the service quality of the court on public satisfaction.. 5. There were significant differences among different demographic variables on the service quality of the court, public satisfaction, word of mouth and judicial service trust.   Through data collection and questionnaire analysis, the conclusion is that the above hypotheses 1 to 2 are accepted. Hypothesis 3 is rejected that pros and cons of service quality of the court will conduct a direct result of word of mouth, does not through the mediating effect enhance public satisfaction.Hypothesis 4 is rejected that pros and cons of service quality of the court has dominant effect to public satisfaction, do not interfered by judicial service trust.Hypothesis 5 is accepted partially and especially among different demographic variables, there would be differences on every variables by different occupations.   The empirical results shows, learning enterprise, service spirit -oriented of public opinion and efficiency administrative actions are the most important goals of courts currently. People attach great importance to the service quality of the court ,this study suggests that for facilitating responsiveness, reliability ,convenience and tangibility to promote human –based , flexible, performance and walking around management. We shall enhance public satisfaction to strengthen word of mouth, improve the shortcomings of bureaucracy and use mass media. To improve service quality through hiring professional lawyers to provide free legal advice and emphasizing judicial convenience and refinement.


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