  • 學位論文


The user's behavior analysis of campus App functions - A case study of Tamkang University

指導教授 : 黃明達


有鑑於App越趨盛行,對使用者而言,其重要性越趨重要,故本研究實作淡江i生活App,並依據不同的使用對象與其應用程式之功能,做深入的交叉分析與使用行為之研究,希望藉由分析的結果與發現,了解教職員與學生的使用行為,提供給管理者與開發團隊改善之建議,此外也將本研究開發團隊在開發iOS版本過程所遭遇的問題與解決方式做描述。 本研究發現,扣除寒暑假與國定假日及週末,平均每日有92.7人安裝此App,有11,698的使用人次;當學期開始時,安裝人數與使用人次會頓時激增,往後趨於平緩,進入寒暑假時則會減少,表示App的使用量、下載量與學校的生活型態息息相關;使用者的身份為大學生者共佔89.10 %;行動裝置作業系統Android與iOS比例約為7:3;最熱門的功能為”我的課表”、”淡江Wi-Fi”、”考試小表”與即時影像功能;一年級的使用者較其他年級的使用者常使用”建築物對照”與”校園地圖”這兩個針對新生開發之功能。


In view of the increasingly popular App, the significance for users becomes relatively important. For this reason, the study looks into the performance of TKU i Life and conducts an in-depth study of cross-analysis and user behavior according to the different users and the functions of applications. The study intends to understand the user behavior of faculty and students through the outcome and findings of the analysis, and thereby to provide suggestions for the administrators and development team. In addition, the study describes the issues and solutions encountered by the R&D team in the process of developing iOS version. The study findings show that, deducting the number of days from summer and winter vacation as well as national holidays and the weekends, there are in average 92.7 people installing this App every day with a total of 11,698 users. When the school term begins, the number of people installing and users will drastically increases, then the number smoothes out while declining during the winter and summer vacations. This observation shows that the amount of App use and download traffic are closely related to the school schedule. The user identify are mostly university students, accounting for 89.10% of the total users, while the ratio between Android and iOS is 7:3. The most popular functions include “My Schedule,” “TKU Wi-FI” “Test Schedule” and real-time image functions. Freshmen users use the “Building Comparison Table” and “Campus Map” functions designed specifically for new students, more frequently than other classes.


Mobile Devices Campus App User Behavior


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