  • 學位論文


A Study on Relationship between Learning Motivation and Student Engagement for Graduate Students in Tamkang University

指導教授 : 薛雅慈


本研究針對淡江大學碩士班學生的「學習動機(Learning Motivation)」與「學習投入(Student Engagement )」進行調查,藉以了解當前碩士班學生的學習動機與學習投入現況,以及兩者之關係。「學習動機」指的是引起學生學習活動,維持學習活動,並導使該學習活動趨向教師所設定目標的內在心理歷程,分為「求知興趣」、「職業進展」、「自我發展」、「社交關係」、「逃避/刺激」、「外界期望」六個面向。「學習投入」指的是學生專注在學校教育過程當中,對學習活動的參與,為了成功學習與達成其目標成果,在學習過程所付出的時間、心力與投入之精神,其中包含與同儕間互動的經驗等行為,共分為「技巧」、「情感」、「表現」、「態度」、「互動」五個面向。 本研究使用「淡江大學碩士班學生學習動機與學習投入關係之研究問卷」為研究工具進行調查,針對淡江大學 103學年度碩士班學生為實際調查對象進行施測,共計發放問卷 500份,回收有效問卷273 份,有效問卷回收率 55.5%。調查所得資料以、描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、多元迴歸分析、薛費法事後多重比較等統計分析方法,綜合分析討論後,歸納本研究之結論如下: 一、淡江大學碩士班學生學習動機現況屬於「中程度」。 二、不同背景因素影響淡江大學碩士班學生的學習動機高低。 三、淡江大學碩士班學生學習投入現況屬於「中程度」。 四、不同背景因素影響淡江大學碩士班學生的學習投入深淺。 五、淡江大學碩士班學生學習動機與學習投入呈低、中度正相關。 六、淡江大學碩士班學生學習動機對於學習投入具有預測力。 本研究根據研究結論,提出對教育實務之各學院碩士班、教師、學生、與未來相關研究之建議,以作為學習動機與學習投入相關研究之參考。


學習動機 學習投入


The purpose of this study is to investigate learning motivation and student engagement of Tamkamg University graduate students. Through this study, we can understand the circumstances of learning motivation and student engagement of graduate students and the relationship between them. Learning motivation means the inner psychological process of arousing,maintaining and guiding students' learning activities to reach goals setting by teachers, which can divide into six dimensions: “Cognitive Interest”, “Professional Advancement”,“Personal Development”,“Social Relationships”,“Escape or Stimulation”, “External Expectation”. Student engagement means students participating in school activities which can help them acquire high-level thinking and development, including students attending classes and the interaction among students, teachers and the institution, which can divide into five dimensions: “Skill”, “Emotion”, “behavior”, “Attitude”, “Interactive”. The “Questionnaire on the learning Motivation and Student engagement of Tamkamg University Graduate students “is used as a research tool to collect information from Tamkang University Graduate students. Data are analyzed using statistical methods including descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson’s correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed, with 273 valid responses, attaining a valid response rate of 55%. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1. The degree of learning motivation for Graduate Students in Tamkang University was at middle level. 2. Learning motivation level for Graduate Students in Tamkang University were affected by different background factors.. 3. The degree of student engagement for Graduate Students in Tamkang University was at middle level. 4. Student engagement level for Graduate Students in Tamkang University were affected by different background factors. 5. The relationship between learning motivation and student engagement for Graduate Students in Tamkang University is significantly modestly positive. 6. Learning motivation is predictable to student engagement for Graduate Students in Tamkang University. Based on the results of this research we expect to provide a relevant suggestion which is useful for school authorities,, Graduate School, teachers, studests,and future researchers.




