  • 學位論文


The influence of Cognitive Dissonance on Facebook's Echo Chamber - A case study of Equal Rights in Marriage

指導教授 : 陳玉鈴


隨著智慧手機的售價和行動資費變得越來越平易近人,人們要隨時隨地的使用網際網路也比以前更容易許多,網路已然成為現今社會資訊傳播的主要平台之一,也因如此,人們要獲取訊息、交流意見都方便許多。同樣的,看到跟自己立場不同、不喜歡、沒興趣的事物我們也能避而遠之。社群媒體對我們生活的影響或許大於我們的想像,也許我們都活在自己的同溫層世界而不自知。本研究的研究對象為Facebook的使用者,以近年來討論熱烈的婚姻平權議題為案例,並且使用認知失諧理論來探討同溫層現象的發生及影響,並從使用者的角度出發,檢視使用者的使用情形、立場偏好、認知失諧感對訊息的接受度有無影響,希望能發現使用者的哪一些行為或心態會造成同溫層的發生。  經過數據分析,本研究發現,立場偏好確實會影響使用者對訊息的選擇,而使用者會盡量避免接觸到自己不喜歡的訊息,經過對訊息的篩選,Facebook動態牆的訊息多元性會呈現較單一的情形。而本研究也發現認知失諧會產生不同的心理不適感,不同的不適感也會影響到使用者對不喜歡的訊息有不同的反應。


As the price of smart phones and mobile tariffs become more and more accessible, it is easier for people to use the Internet anytime, anywhere. The Internet has become one of the main platforms for the dissemination of information in today’s society. People want to get information and exchange ideas are much easier. In the same way, we can avoid things that we don't like, dislike, or have no interest in. The influence of social media on our lives may be greater than our imagination. Maybe we all live in our own echo chamber without knowing it. The research object of this study is Facebook users. In recent years, discussions have been held on the heated issue of equal rights in marriage, and Cognitive Dissonance theory has been used to discuss the occurrence and impact of the echo chamber. From the user's point of view, examine the user's use situation, position preference, and Cognitive Dissonance theory have effect on the acceptance of the message or not, hoping to find out which behavior or mentality of the user will cause the echo chamber. After data analysis, the study found that position preference does affect the user’s choice of information. Users will try to avoid contact with information they don’t like. After filtering the information, Facebook’s News Feed will showing less information from different angles. This study also found that Cognitive Dissonance theory can produce different psychological discomfort. Different discomforts also affect users' different reactions to disliked messages.


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