  • 學位論文


Design and Fabrication of Glass Fresnel Lens

指導教授 : 趙崇禮


由於人口不斷的成長,使得整體能源的需求量不斷的創下新高,因此,綠色能源將是未來的發展趨勢,其中太陽能為最具有發展潛力的綠色能源之一。現今,高聚光型太陽能電池所使用的聚光透鏡,因模具加工及成形上的問題以塑膠材料為主;但是,塑膠材料長期受到陽光照射會產生黃化現象,使得光電轉換效率降低。 本研究主要以玻璃模造方式設計、製作等高菲涅爾透鏡,使高聚光太陽能電池能在無二次透鏡下,達到均勻的接收光能量。設計改善了傳統高聚光菲涅爾透鏡以二次透鏡校正光學路徑於接收器上,導致光能量因多了一層透鏡而增加損耗以及尺寸的困難,由於玻璃模造被視為最有機會量產玻璃繞射光學元件的方法之一,因此製程採用玻璃模造進行加工菲涅爾透鏡,改善了玻璃菲涅爾微結構加工困難的缺點。 本論文成功的使用玻璃模造法設計、製作菲涅爾透鏡。透過分層概念設計ψ150mm等高菲涅爾透鏡,經光學模擬分析後光通率可達到74.5﹪。由於研究經費有限的緣故,將相同設計概念縮小尺寸至ψ15mm;再加以設計及加工此菲涅爾模具,接著使用開放式玻璃模造製程加工玻璃菲涅爾透鏡,以K-CSK120玻璃球面預形體,在最佳溫度600℃時,完成轉寫率約為99﹪之ψ15mm玻璃菲涅爾透鏡。此玻璃菲涅爾透鏡能夠廣泛地長期應用於高聚光型Ⅲ-Ⅴ族太陽能電池,使光能夠通過玻璃菲涅爾透鏡後均勻分佈於太陽能電池上增加光電轉換效率。


The ever-increasing human population growth and pursuing for economic development have made a great impact on natural resources. That includes natural resources for producing energy/electricity. Solar/PVs (Photovoltaics) systems can produce electricity directly from solar radiation and are becoming one of the major sources of electrical power. Amongst the PVs systems, concentrated photovoltaics (CPV) is currently leading the development of low-cost renewable energy sources. Owing to the technological difficulties and cost issues in the production of concentrator made of glass, plastic lenses are still the majority to be used in the CPV systems. However, plastic optics has the problem of degradation when subjected to long term UV exposure. This research aimed to design and fabricate a Fresnel based glass concentrator for a CPV system without secondary. It began with optical design/simulation of the Fresnel, followed by mold fabrication, molding parameters/process simulation, glass molding process and performance verification. Owing to the very limited budget, a ψ15mm(instead of ψ150mm) Fresnel lens made of K-CSK120 glass was successfully designed and fabricated in the study.


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【17】 陳育琨,“模造玻璃繞射光學元件之模擬分析及相關製程研究”,淡江大學畢業論文,2011年6月。
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【44】 林祐瑞、趙崇禮,“碳化鎢模具材料特性對抗沾黏膜層設計及其與玻璃間界面化學反應之影響研究”,淡江大學碩士論文,2010。
【3】 German advisory council on global change,2003, “http://energy.


