  • 學位論文


The Unfold Spirituality Of Spiritual Care Worker in Hospice-A Case Study Of A Religious Worker

指導教授 : 呂旭亞


隨著超個人心理學興起,「靈性」的議題在心理諮商領域中顯得日漸重要。然而當前的心理諮商領域,對於靈性議題的討論較少,而在安寧病房中已有許多靈性照顧的實務經驗,以及相關的研究可作為本研究的奠基石。相關研究顯示,要做好良好的靈性照顧,必須要將靈性照顧者的靈性含括進來,但目前針對靈性照顧者的靈性之相關研究是較缺乏的。因此,探究靈性照顧者的靈性是本研究的起點。 本研究旨在了解在安寧病房從事靈性照顧的工作者,其靈性開展的歷程。期待透過本研究的發現,得以擴增心理諮商專業領域對於「靈性」的了解,並提供心理諮商專業人員,未來進入安寧病房從事靈性照顧時的參考。本研究的研究方法採用質性研究中的個案研究進行資料的收集及分析,以半結構的訪談大綱,深度訪談一位安寧病房中從事靈性照顧的神職人員,同時輔以研究參與者的反思筆記以及其大量的著作進行資料分析。 本研究結果是「痛苦」做為靈性開展歷程中,一個非常重要的元素,藉由遇見痛苦、擁抱痛苦之後,靈性的深度逐漸加深,相對的影響了痛苦的消解以及痛苦的超越。本研究的分析結果是以「時間序」及「靈性深度」作為軸度,具有四個層次的來回擺盪,分別為:(一)與痛苦及死亡相遇,看見真實的生命樣貌,興起了靈性追尋的動機;(二)與痛苦相碰撞,其直視生命缺口的能力,使其碰觸內在底層的自我,以做為靈性開展的鑰匙;(三)痛苦的治癒,在不斷修復與神的關係之後,連結大我的靈性;(四)痛苦的超越,是因為累積了許多小我的超越,終至小我界線消失,進入了無我的境界。


靈性 靈性照顧 痛苦 死亡焦慮


With the rise of Transpersonal Psychology, the issue of “spirituality” has become increasingly significant in the field of counseling. However, currently in counseling field, there is rare discussion on spirituality. The researcher rely on plenty of spiritual care work done in the hospice and researches in related field to form the basis of this study. Related researches showed that in order to perform well of spiritual care, the personal spirituality of care taker must be considered. Nevertheless, there is a lack of research on it; therefore, this study aimed to investigate spiritual care worker’s spirituality. This study aimed to understand the process of spiritual development of care taker who do spiritual care in the hospice. It was expected to increase the understanding about “spirituality” in the professional field of counseling and to provide counseling professionals with references when they practice spiritual care in the future through the findings of this study. This study utilized the method of case study of qualitative research to collect and analyze data and using a semi-structural interview outline to conduct an in-depth interview with a religious worker who does spiritual care in the hospice, and then conducted data analysis by the assistances of participants’ memo for self-reflection and her own works. It was found out in the results of this study that the process of spiritual was developed on the basis of “time sequence” and “spiritual depth.” This to-and-fro spiritual development process had four levels of swing on which suffering and spirituality responded to each other. The results are as follows: (1) The encounter with suffering and death let people see the reality of life and arouse their intention to pursue spirituality; (2) the meeting with suffering and the ability to face the breach of life let them touch the ego in the innermost which was used as the key to develop spirituality; (3) the healing of the suffering linked to the spirituality of Self after the relationship with God was constantly restored; (4) the suffering was transcended was because that lots of transcendence of self were accumulated and finally the boundary of self disappeared. Then they entered the state of non-ego.


