  • 學位論文


Metamorphoses: Planetary Writing and Storytelling

指導教授 : 蔡振興


本論文中的變形代表的是形式、結構、內容以及心理上的變化。在環地球的架構下,變形的發生表現在各種層次之上,以時間而言,演化的過程就是變形在時間中的呈現。以空間而言,變形代表著空間的內涵。本論文中的五個章節旨在討論各種變形之間的交叉連結。以下是各個章節的梗概: 席爾珂的《沙丘花園》描繪印蒂歌遊歷分布於歐、美兩個大陸上的花園及歷程。印蒂歌的花園之旅加速她跟土地之間的地下根莖連結,在漫遊於各地花園的同時,印蒂歌從未放棄返家並回歸沙丘花園的願望。家鄉的沙丘代表著恆久的中心,導航著印蒂歌的返家之旅。 勒瑰恩的《地海巫師》敘述格得從鄉村青年成長至成熟巫師的過程,格得歷經了一連串內心的轉變,與自己的黑暗面交戰時,他在逃避之後,選擇面對並接受。格得在陸地與海洋之間旅行時,也理解了地海的運行以及其內部能量的動態平衡。 《龜島》一書匯集史奈德在太平洋東西兩端所獲得的哲學經驗,《龜島》是史奈德再度定居於內華達希爾拉(Sierra Nevada)山麓之後的反思。史奈德用當地的植物名(Kitkitdizze)替建造的房舍命名,該房舍具體呈現他在橫跨太平洋後悟得之體驗。藉由回溯東方哲學,史奈德勾勒出東西方文化的輪廓的重疊之處,並親身體現了跨文化融合。 宮崎駿的《魔法公主》運用雙重發聲觀點,混合了人類與動物性格,以動物為媒介替自然發聲,人類跟動物觀點的匯流讓我們深刻體認兩者之間的共感,雙重發聲觀點提醒了我們,動物性並非存在於人類意識之外。 露絲尾關的《再造》描述富樂夫婦從經營大規模馬鈴薯農場,轉變成小家庭種籽公司的過程。從植物多樣性的角度,他們的種籽小生意卻藏著比大農場更多的生命力,以保存以及散播種籽的潛能而論,富樂夫婦的種苗菜園囤藏著極大的散播及孕育力。


Metamorphoses in this dissertation stand for changes in form, structure, substance, and mentality. In the planetary system, metamorphoses function on various levels and take place with time and space. Time can be shown through the process of metamorphoses in the form of evolution. The content of space is revealed through nature, which is wired for metamorphoses. The five chapters in this dissertation are correlated by multitudinous metamorphoses. Leslie Marmon Silko’s Gardens in the Dunes tells of the routes of Indigo’s travels to transatlantic gardens. The travels facilitate Indigo’s connection to the gardens’ rhizomatic roots, which ultimately lead her to sense deeper into the home gardens and fertilize the homeland. In her nomadic existence, Indigo travels to a battery of gardens, but she is constantly en route to the gardens in the dunes. The sand dunes represent a center of intensity that navigates Indigo’s homecoming. Ursula K. Le Guin’s A Wizard of Earthsea narrates Ged’s rites of passage in his becoming of a true wizard. While developing into a full-fledged wizard, Ged undergoes an internal transformation by first fleeing and then embracing his dark self. In his voyages both on land and sea, Ged comes to realize the internal work of Earthsea that is maintained by the dynamic equilibrium. Turtle Island encapsulates Gary Snyder’s transpacific encounter that cross-pollinates the East and the West. The book reflects his re-immersion and reinhabitation in the Sierra foothills. The house he named Kitkitdizze is a landmark of his transition and proof of his trans-Pacific encounter. Backtracking to the East, Gary Snyder puts his life into the practice of intercultural marriage, which delineates the contours of Eastern and Western cultural landscape and where the two converge. Hayao Miyazaki’s Princess Mononoke employs double articulation and speaks on behalf of nature through animals. Through the speaking animals, double articulation blends animality into humanity. This integration of human and animal voices facilitates our recognition that human and animal races share the same origins. Double articulation serves as a reminder that animality is not foreign to human consciousness. All Over Creation narrates the Fullers’ metamorphoses from large-scale potato cultivation to a small seeds operation. However, concerning the diversity of plants, the small seeds business turns out to contain more possibilities to produce life than the previous big potato farm. The Fullers’ seeds operation hoards immense capability to preserve and disseminate a great collection of seeds.


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