  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Pet Owner’s Life Style and Evaluation Criteria of Pet Food

指導教授 : 曾義明 何怡芳


現今普遍晚婚的社會環境,對於單身年輕人或都市人來說,飼養寵物能夠排遣寂寞亦能兼具娛樂效果,除了可以增加安全感與情感上的慰藉,也可以降低生活中的壓力。而家庭飼養的寵物以狗或貓為主,故本研究採用問卷調查方式,針對飼養狗或貓的寵物飼主進行人口統計變數及生活型態的相關調查。 本研究回收之有效問卷統計234份,並利用次數分配、因素分析、信度分析及回歸分析等方法進行資料分析與解釋,探討不同生活型態的寵物飼主對於購買飼料時的評估準則有無差異。 研究結果顯示不同生活型態對於不同的評估準則有部分有顯著關係,部分則沒有顯著關係。在「品牌知名度」評估準則方面,顯示對於寵物飼主而言為避免家中寵物食用後的任何風險,在選購時寵物飼主偏好品牌知名度高的寵物飼料產品;在「價格」評估準則方面,分析結果發現大多寵物飼主在選購飼料時,價格不會是主要的考量因素,他們會考量品牌、品質、配方功能性及品牌其他的附加價值。根據研究結果,建議廠商可以針對不同生活型態的寵物飼主,訂定不同的行銷策略,塑造產品定位。


In the later marriage society, for the single young individuals, Pet not only can help to ease loneliness but relieve the stress. In addition to increasing security, owning a pet can offer the necessary companionship. As the two most popular pets in most families are cats and dogs, this research used a questionnaire and focus on the pet owners who owning dog or cat to implement the survey of consumers’ behaviors influenced by demography statistic variables and life styles.234 questionnaires were conducted. The research shows that life style will affect pet-owners’ attitudes toward pet food. In “Brand Awareness” evaluation criterion, pet owners would prefer pet food with high brand awareness for avoiding any feeding risk. In “Price” evaluation criterion, only those pet owners, who are sensitive on price, would purchase low-price pet food. This finding shows that most pet owners are more likely and more willing to pay for higher value products which promise better quality or greater benefits.


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孫元婷(2016)。虛實整合應用於零售業之研究 -以寵物產業為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201600633
