  • 學位論文


A Content Analysis of Business Ethics Syllabi in the Schools of Business in Taiwan

指導教授 : 高熏芳


近年來企業弊案層出不窮,愈來愈多的企業認為員工品格比專業更為重要。商學專業團體如:美國商學院聯合促進學會 (The Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business, AACSB)也將企業倫理課程列為認可的要項。國外大學也大多將企業倫理課程列為必修。國內雖然陸續開設相關課程,然而其課程設計情形和教學實踐情形究竟如何?與國外大學有何差別?且國內相關實證研究並不多見,未能真正呈現課程與教學之現狀,對於學術或實務的啟示可能有限。本研究以內容分析法分析國內大學校院商管系所共133 份企業倫理課程教學計畫表,針對課程設計和教學實踐兩大面向做現況分析,繼而與美、加、英、澳等國頂尖大學所開設之「企業倫理」相關課程進行比較。課程面向包含課程名稱、課程目標、課程內容、開課單位、課程性質、課程型態;教學面向包含授課師資、教學資源、教學策略和評量方式,本研究希冀了解目前大學商管系所「企業倫理」課程設計與教學實踐情況後,提出未來課程與教學之相關建議,以作為大學校院「企業倫理」教育課程與教學品質提升之參考。本研究發現如下: 一、商管系所企業倫理之課程設計 (一) 有集中在部份商管系所開課的情形,多數集中在企業管理系、國際企業學系、財務金融系等。 (二) 企業倫理課程在國內大學校院有逐漸增加開設的趨勢。 (三) 課程名稱可謂多樣化,以「企業倫理」為主要課程名稱。 (四) 課程目標多數能以理論結合實務,並達到「知何」、「知為何」、「知如何」這三個層面。 (五) 課程內容多方涵蓋微觀、宏觀與整合倫理三個層面,本土個案教材的使用比例則過少。 (六) 課程性質多數列為商管系所必修。 (七) 課程型態多數以講授之正式型態來授課,欠缺經驗教育之實務課程,亦缺乏企業倫理相關專業組織的設立。 (八) 開課單位多開在高年級,如大學四年級以及碩士班課程。 二、商管系所企業倫理之教學實踐 (一) 授課教師少數有顯著與企業倫理相關的著作、學術研究和經歷,並多數由助理教授或講師授課。 (二) 教學資源最多使用的為企業倫理相關的文獻,如教學用書(含指定教科書、相關參考書籍)。 (三) 教學策略最常使用為「講授法」、「文獻閱讀與探討」以及「個案教學法」。 (四) 評量方式重視學生平時參與,並將個案分析報告納入評量重點。 根據上述研究結果,本研究建議如下: 一、針對課程設計之建議 (一) 課程目標宜理論與實務結合,達到雙管齊下的教學效果。 (二) 課程內容宜增加本土個案的比例或致力發展本土化的教學個案。 (三) 在課程性質方面,應將企業倫理課程列為商管學院之共同修課,以全面強化商管系所學生的知能。 (四) 課程型態宜更加多元。 (五) 網站上之課程資訊與教學計畫表內容宜詳細完整,達到開課透明化。 二、針對教學實踐之建議 (一) 師資資格應結合學術與實務。 (二) 教學資源宜涵蓋多元化的媒體形式。 (三) 教學策略應多樣化,增加經驗教育。 (四) 評量方式可為長期觀察學生學習情形。 三、針對未來研究之建議 (一) 可透過長期觀察學生學習情形來進行深入研究,以了解學生之學習成效。 (二) 可針對通過AACSB認證標準校院系所進行分析,比較其課程和教學之異同。 (三) 建議可涵蓋工學院、資訊學院、教育學院等來做研究,以了解其專業人才倫理培養之樣貌。 (四) 可針對企業倫理的授課師資進行深入分析,並實地觀察與訪談其教學理念。 (五) 針對由學界及業界所進行之協同教學的學習成效做進一步的研究。 (六) 可針對企業倫理的教材發展作深入的探討,以了解企業倫理之教材的取向與趨勢。


Due to many corporate scandals emerge in our society recently, more businessconsider ethics as one of the important attributes of employees, sometimes it is even more important than profession itself. The professional organization, such as Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business regards the inclusion of business ethics as the standard to evaluate the quality of business school. Many top business schools in foreign countries such as U.S., Canada, England and Australia design “business ethics” course as required for the business major students. More and more universities in Taiwan are also providing related courses in business schools or departments. However, there are few studies conducted for the respected issues in Taiwan and most of them were done by asking opinions from faculty and students with questionnaire which presented little information on the reality of curriculum and instruction of “business ethics” course. The purpose of this study is to analyze syllabi of business ethic courses in the schools of business in Taiwan to investigate the curriculum design and instruction practices. The analysis units include course objective, course content, course materials, faculty capacities, teaching methods, as well as learning assessment. In addition, the study results also compared with courses offered by business schools in U.S., Canada, England and Australia to see the similarities and differences. Suggestions regarding to the future improvement of the curriculum design and instructional strategies were also provided. The research findings are as follows: A. The curriculum design of business ethics in the schools of business: a. Business Administration, International Business and Finance are the departments offer most courses on Business Ethic. b. Currently more business schools in Taiwan have Busines Ethics as their main course. c. Although course titles are diversified, “Business Ethics” is the mostly common used. d. Course objectives include practices and theories which fulfill “know what”,“know why” and “know how to do”. e. Course content integrates “micro ethics”, “macro ethics” and” molar ethics”.However, local cases are far more insufficient. f. Course status showed that “Business Ethics” as required for the business major students. g. Course delivery is majorly lecture type, therefore experiential learning is insufficient. h. Most courses are offered for senior and master’s program in advanced style. B. The instructional practice of business ethics in the schools of business: a. Most faculties are assistant professors or lecturers who do not have sufficient experience in terms of research and publications in business ethics. b. Most faculties use textbook and reference resources to teach. c. The mostly used teaching strategies are lecture, reading and case studies. d. Most faculties stressed the importance of participation and group works. Further suggestions are summarized as follows: A. For the curriculum design of Business Ethics course: a. It is suggested that course objectives should combine practices and theories. b. It is suggested that “Business Ethics” course should be required for the all business major students. c. It is suggested that the course delivery formats should be diversified. d. It is suggested that more local cases should be included in the course. e. It is suggested that the information of the course syllabi should be detailed and made more public. B. For the instructional practice of Business Ethics course: a. It is suggested that the school should select well-experienced faculty to teach the course. b. It is suggested that the teaching materials should have more varieties in terms of media formats. c. It is suggested that more experiential learning experiences should be included in the teaching process. d. It is suggested that long-term observation of the ethic actualization should be included in the student assessment. C. For the future study: a. It is suggested that longitudinal study should be applied in understanding the effectiveness of the teaching. b. It is suggested that comparative study should be conducted to investigate the differences of the business ethics teaching between the AACSB accreditation schools and those are not. c. It is suggested that more studies can be conducted in the areas of professional ethics such as engineering, education, medical and nursing schools. d. It is suggested that the observation of the business ethics instruction should be conducted to understand the realities of the teaching. e. It is suggested that co-teaching of the course by academic institutions and business sectors should be tried to see the effectiveness of the teaching. f. It is suggested that local cases and teaching materials should be developed for the business ethics course.


曾美惠(2007)。糾正學習歪風 評量方式與教授心態成關鍵。評鑑雙月刊,6,23-26。
