  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship Quality between Suppliers and Channels–From Consumers point of view of Perceived Value

指導教授 : 李月華


台灣的近視人口每年以1~2%正數成長,人口老化問題,更帶動老花矯正眼鏡市場的快速成長。目前全台眼鏡零售通路約有5,000家左右,相較於台灣總人口數,眼鏡店的分佈比率堪稱是全世界密度最高,通路間的競爭非常激烈,削價競爭是最常見的促銷手法,卻最直接會影響到產品的品牌價值及形象。對消費者而言,光學鏡片的產品涉入程度高,在購買決策過程中相當倚賴銷售人員的建議。因此,光學鏡片供應商將通路經營視為主力重點,以提昇通路商黏著度。 本研究探討企業形象、品牌知名度及服務品質等變項對消費者知覺價值的影響,並探討消費者知覺價值與關係品質兩變項間的關係,最後探討各人口統計變項在「企業形象」、「品牌知名度」、「服務品質」、「知覺價值」及「關係品質」的影響。 本研究採用問卷調查法,對象為大台北地區眼鏡零售通路,包括大型連鎖店、區域性小型連鎖店與單店之驗光師、銷售人員、店長或店老闆為樣本,以配額抽樣方式進行,取得有效問卷共100份。問卷設計採用Likert五點衡量尺度,並採用SPSS12.0統計套裝軟體進行資料分析,分析方法則採用敘述性統計分析、信度分析、效度分析、相關分析、路徑分析及變異數分析等。歸納結論如下: 1.供應商的企業形象及品牌知名度對於最終消費者的知覺價值皆無顯著正面影響。根據作者在光學鏡片產業工作經驗推論,主要是因為產品的專業度高,最終消費者不容易理解及辨別產品特性。因此,在購買決策過程中非常仰賴驗光師或銷售人員的專業解說及建議。 2.供應商對通路商的服務品質越高,則通路商會正面影響最終消費者的知覺價值。 3.消費者知覺價值對於供應商與通路商之關係品質有正面顯著影響。 4.門市型態對於品牌知名度及企業形象呈現邊際顯著,其中以區域性小型連鎖店的受訪者的評價最高,而其他人口統計變項皆無顯著差異。 5.性別對於服務品質具顯著差異,而其他人口統計變項皆無顯著差異。 6.年齡對於消費者知覺價值呈邊際顯著,而其他人口統計變項皆無顯著差異。


In Taiwan, the myopia population is increasing by 1~2% annually, and presbyopia correction has driven the optical lenses market increasing rapidly because of population aging. Currently, around 5,000 optical shops in Taiwan, the penetration rate is extremely high compared with other countries. In order to deal with the fierce competition, price war is the most common promotion for the shops. However, it’s not good for the suppliers, and that could damage the brand image and value of the products. Customers rely heavily on optometrists to recommend the lenses including brand and specification when purchasing. The reason is that customers still don’t understand much about the features of optical lenses, therefore, the optical lenses suppliers focus on B2B promotions heavily, thus improving the relationship with channels. This research was aimed at exploring the relationship among consumers’ perceived value, company image, brand awareness, service quality and relationship quality. Quota sampling was used in this study. Members were selected from employees who work for optical shops in Taipei. A total of 100 questionnaires were handed out by salesmen of an international optical supplier. After data analysis, here are conclusions: 1.Suppliers’ company image and brand awareness would not influence consumers’ perceived value. 2.Consumers would feel higher perceived value when suppliers provided higher service quality to channels. 3.Consumers’ perceived value would positive influence the relationship quality between suppliers and channels. 4.Company image and brand awareness would influence regional small chains. 5.Service quality would influence gender, female would be higher. 6.Consumers’ perceived value would influence age.


5.吳偉文(2007),「以企業形象觀點探討兩岸三地之千大公司排名」,東亞論壇季刊,第455 期,頁33-50。
