  • 學位論文


A study on the Development Trend of Cross-Strait Livestock Industry

指導教授 : 郭建中
共同指導教授 : 王國臣


本研究的框架以台灣與中國大陸為背景,研究兩岸之畜牧產業,研究時間範圍是以WTO為界線分為前期與後期。首先探討兩岸畜牧產業加入WTO前期的狀況,之後再探討加入WTO後期的狀況,並且分析加入WTO後對兩岸畜牧產業各有有何影響。最後透過SWOT分析探討兩岸畜牧產業各自的優劣勢,進而分析兩岸畜牧產業之未來發展趨勢。 本研究三大目的與小結: (一)兩岸畜牧產業在加入WTO後的影響與各自的因應對策 由於以往農村時期,畜牧是小單元的粗放農業類型,僅用於提供家戶或村鎮等小規模的肉類食品提供,因此飼育成本與環境成本皆獲得有效的分攤;然而隨著都市人口集中與前述畜牧產業工業化的經營模式,畜牧產業轉而形成產業鏈的專業分工。另一方面,全球人口不斷成長,對於糧食之需求亦節節高升,而其中動物性產品占有絕對地位。 (二)兩岸畜牧產業的優劣勢 台灣當欠缺國際舞台導致內銷市場競爭激烈,多數業者著重生產成本降低,而非提高附加價值。長期劣幣驅逐良幣導致整體產業競爭力逐漸喪失。而現在正是結合產、官、學調整產業結構的契機。 中國以增產為主的生產模式轉變為以提高質量和增加品種為主。再來將以分散經營為主的經營模式轉變為以集約化、規模化經營為主,且發展畜牧業不只在著重於農區,也加強草原地區的畜牧業發展。最後,畜牧業生產從人工勞動轉變為現代科技達到產、加、銷一體化產業化經營。 (三)在這E世代的社會,能否運用產品創新或創新行銷作為畜牧產業轉型之契機 光就創新行銷這部分中的電子商務行銷正是畜牧產業之轉型契機,正所謂:「看準需求,把握機會,才能創造出價值。」 而「特色土雞產製銷一條龍」正是台灣為了調整國產禽品結構及銷售通路,並且達到產、製、銷一條龍之經營模式,故輔導業者建立地區特色品牌工作。透過農業價值鏈延伸與整合,輔導產業以加值方式,朝精緻化及特色化發展,此為透過產品創新達到轉型成功的案例。


The thesis would be focused on the cross-strait livestock industry around WTO. Firstly, the research illustrates the cross-strait livestock industry environment before joining WTO and after WTO. Also this research will analyze the impact of WTO. In the end, thesis uses the SWOT analysis to discuss about the cross-strait livestock industry pros and cons and possible developing trend. There are three main purposes of the research as following, How the cross-strait livestock industry deal with the impact of WTO is the first research purposes. In the rural time, livestock industry was small and extensive model and only provided for small town as a small scale meat provider. As a result, the cost of feeding is absorbed completely. However, the time changed, the livestock industry develops into a professional product chain. In the other way, the growing population also increases the demand of food especially the demand for meat product. The pros and cons of the cross-strait livestock industry would be the second main research purpose. Taiwan is lack of the international competition and the internal market is too competitive. Most of the providers focus on cost-down rather than increasing the value. In the long run, the whole industry competition is disappearing gradually. Today will be the best time to combine industry. In the other side, the mainland china is changing its model too, from only increasing the quantity to quality model. China also changes from extensive to intensive management and focuses on grassland agriculture. In the end, the livestock industry develops from labor to modern technology combining industry in the end. In the end, the thesis would focus on livestock industry and creativity of the product, seeing there is any possibility to use the e-commerce on livestock industry. Smelling the demand and take chance at the right time this is the only way to create value. Government could guide the industry to establish their local brand and move forward to a delicately special developing model. Such as the Taiwanese special free range cooperating industry model is a successful example for combing and increasing the value of livestock industry.


