  • 學位論文


A Study of Comparisons of Taiwan and Japan Food Safety and research on American Beef Importing Food Safety Management Measures

指導教授 : 任耀庭


民以食為天,食安已普遍獲得全民注意,本研究擬以美牛進口安全所引發的食安疑慮,藉由對歐盟、美國、日本之相關議題處理模式,並檢視探討我國處理美牛進口之政策,並試圖以SWOT交叉分析來解構因政策與做法不周嚴所引發的民眾疑惑,以確保民眾“依食無虞”。 由於日本行政體系方面與台灣相像,且在農業經濟上與台灣有相當程度的往來。在國際情勢上,台灣與日本面臨相同矛盾的處境,台灣和日本都仰賴美國的軍事保護。在經濟上,美國也是兩國食品的主要輸出國之一。由於兩國在面對美牛進口政策所採取的政治考量類似,因此,從日本對於食品安全監管的組織運作架構、分級監管、品質安全認證與實施要點等各層面加以研究與探討。 台灣現行政府部門各自為政,無法像其他國家以整體性配套的思維方式解決食品安全問題,以美國與日本為例,均依靠食品小組來處理。台灣即便成立食安小組也只是因應時事的短暫任務編組。一旦首長不予重視或輿論不再聚焦食安,又恢復各自為政、互不溝通,缺乏整體面的僵化制度。 本文以人民的健康需求為出發點,探討美牛進口的狂牛症與萊克多巴胺對人體病理之影響,並試圖以醫療專家、檢驗專家與畜牧農業專家之文獻探討,歸納整理萊克多巴胺對人體的影響。透過SWOT分析,研擬可能的做法。策略做法分為4大類,如強勢遇到機會為攻擊策略(SO策略),強勢遇到威脅為防禦策略(ST策略),弱勢遇到機會為迂迴整備策略(WO策略),弱勢遇到威脅為轉進策略(又稱撤退策略) (WT策略)策略等四大策略面相,並參酌我國國情與政府效能,研擬適合的政策,確保民眾健康及化解民眾對美牛進口的食品安全疑慮。最後,提出若干研究方向以供後續食安之深入參考。


狂牛症 萊克多巴胺


People is heavily dependable on food, and food security has received widespread attention from citizens. The food security concern triggered by safety of imported US beef aims to lead this study to review and explore the policy and way of Taiwan in handing US beef import through the same issue faced by the European Union, the US and Japan. The cross-analysis of SWOT is adopted to deconstruct concern of people triggered by incomprehensive design of policy and way in order to ensure that people are free of fear. With the problem points resulted from food security concern of imported US beef of current policy, it aims to explore the policy and way of other states regarding the handling of same problem points through literature review, and to conduct induction. Japan shares similar administrative system with Taiwan and has regular contacts in agronomic affairs with Taiwan. Taiwan and Japan face the same international contradictory situation: both rely on military protection from the US, while the US is one of the main exporting states of food products for both states. Since both states face similar political consideration on the policy of US beef import, the legislation background, supervisory system, task distribution of administrative system, security quarantine classification of imported food regarding supervision of Japan’s imported food security could be studied and explored. Currently, government agencies in Taiwan work on their own tasks with a lack of systematic connection of policies, which is unable to solve food security problems with comprehensive measures adopted by other states. For example, food security incidents should be handled by powerful food security panel in the US. Food security panel is formed in Taiwan only for tentative tasks. The status of inflexible system, such as work on its own tasks, lack of coordination, and incomprehensive thoughts is then resumed upon little attention from the agency chief or the public opinion regarding food security. As the state drafts major policies, it is able to establish a highly efficient government with references to entrepreneurial decision-making models. With the starting point of health requirements of people, this study aims to explore the impact of mad cow disease and rectopamine of imported US beef on human pathology, and tries to induce and summarize the impact and effect of rectopamine on human health from literature view of medical professionals, quarantine experts and animal scientists. It also aims to draft feasible strategies through SWOT analysis and strategy analysis, and separate possible strategy methods into four major categorical perspectives, such as SO Strategy, ST Strategy, WO Strategy and WT Strategy. The study aims to protect health of people and solve the food security concern over imported US beef through academic research by drafting appropriate policies with references to state conditions and government efficiency and providing research directions as references for further studies into food security.


劉翠玲 (2012) <台灣進口食品趨勢與風險分析>,食品生技 2012 NO.30 頁1-15。
陳政忻 (2011) <全球食品安全發展趨勢>,食品生技 2011 NO.27 頁7-10。
高醫醫訊月刊 (2012) 第三十一卷第十二期
楊岱欣(2014) <歐盟與我國食品管理法制之比較研究>,國立中央大學法律與政府研究所系碩士論文。


武文瑛(2015)。食安風暴政府治理之風險感知與溝通分析 -以黑心油品事件為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2015.10154
