  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of British and French Nuclear Strategies: The Past, Present, and Future

指導教授 : 鄭大誠


作為歐洲中兩個重要的強權,英國與法國與其他傳統軍事強國最大不同之處在於擁有核子武器。在冷戰時期間美國建立了核保護傘後,英法也各自完成具有其特質的核武戰略。在北約的軍事架構下,兩國的核武也為西歐安全事務發揮其重要之價值。   儘管兩國的同質性很高,除了都是中等核武國家之外,歷史背景也有許多相同經驗,冷戰時期是以蘇聯為主要的假想敵,更是近代非常重要的民主國家,但英法的核武戰略發展卻有截然不同的樣貌。英國重視與美國和北約的同盟關係,雖然強調核武的獨立性,但英國核武戰略始終維持與美國之間的「特殊關係」,其表現更突顯了英美之間特有的戰略文化;法國在發展核武之初和英國同樣遭遇過許多挫敗,然而法國是以更保守與堅決的姿態,建立出獨立性相當高的核武戰略,與美國的關係不像英美般的密切,因此「核武三元」的建立過程中,法國人比英國人更強調國防自主。    本文以歷史演變的方式研究過去雙方發展的過程;並進針對目前的相關議題作分析,以了解兩國現階段的戰略情勢,最後再探討可預見之未來態勢。本文發現,導致雙方出現如此差別的核武態勢的主因,除了歷史經驗的不同之外,地緣政治所形塑的戰略環境,更能解釋何為兩國條件原本一致的國家,最後發展出差異性明顯的核武戰略,此乃研究本議題重要之要素。


In retrospect, the United Kingdom and France have demonstrated distinct features in their development of nuclear strategies. Although London and Paris both see the former Soviet Union as a potential adversary during the Cold War period, their approaches of nuclear solution differed significantly. Britain attached great importance to its Special Relationship with the United States while emphasizing its nuclear independency. France, by contrast, had gone through all the vicissitudes to establish an independent nuclear triad on its own since its leadership made the decision to go nuclear. This thesis is aimed to be a comparative research of British and French nuclear strategies with personal assessment. It also focuses on current nuclear issues and policies in order to acquire a better understanding of these two medium-sized nuclear weapons state at present and in the near future. One of the major findings is to make clear why British and French nuclear strategies differ from an evolutionary perspective. As argued in this thesis, unique geopolitical environments could be a possible explanation. Hopefully this comparative study can make some contribution in the field of nuclear strategy studies.


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