  • 學位論文


Research on Practicing Status for Shanghai Counselor

指導教授 : 楊明磊


本研究旨在探討上海市心理諮詢師取照後的執業狀態、執業內容與對執業前景的看法。並探討不同心理諮詢師執業狀態與其看待執業前景的樂觀程度,以做為有意前往大陸發展心理諮詢專業工作者瞭解現狀的參考。   本研究以2003年至2011年期間,參加執業資格考試合格,取得上海市人力资源和社会保障局核發心理諮詢師執業資格證書者為研究對象,有效樣本數409份。本研究採用問卷調查方式,所使用的研究工具為改編自林家興教授「諮商心理師執業現況調查問卷」,所得資料以描述統計等統計方法進行分析。歸納研究結果如下: 一、上海市心理諮詢師取照後多數以兼職方式開始執業 二、上海市心理諮詢師多數為女性,年齡層介於31-40歲之間,學歷皆在大學以上 三、上海市心理諮詢師主要執業方式為個別諮詢,專長年齡層最多集中於「青少年」至「成人」階段,擅長問題以「一般心理問題」為主 四、上海市心理諮詢師每月相關業務收入以1,000以下最多,執業收費平均約255元;機構支付心理諮詢費用平均為166.7元 五、上海市心理諮詢師願意採用兩種以上方式進行專業進修 六、不同執業狀態的心理諮詢師,對未來五年生涯規劃有所不同 依據研究結果與討論,研究者提出對未來研究或主管單位、培訓單位與上海心理諮詢師建議,繼續堅持持照上崗的最低要求,並著手整合相關執照,推動執業登記與繼續教育,讓心理諮詢專業服務能夠有統一的規範與執業認證。對有興趣前往上海取證執業者,則應參與當地合格規範的培訓機構,並思考個人經驗與品牌的建立。


This research was designed to explore the Shanghai Counselor`s practicing status (including practice status , practice content ,and prospect of practicing) and to analyze the different counselor`s practicing status, and how they look the practice optimism about the outlook. As a reference intending to travel to the mainland to the development of counseling professionals understand the status.  In this study, during 2003-2011 to participate in the licensing examination pass and made the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau practicing qualification certificates issued by counselors as a research object,with effective sample of 409. The research instrument「Counselor practicing Situation Questionnaire」was adapted from Professor Lin Jiaxing.The collected data was analyzed by utilizing descriptive statistics. The research results were as the following: 1.Shanghai counselors mostly start with part-time practice. 2.Shanghai counselor, mostly women, ages are between 31-40 years, academic qualifications are in the university 3.Shanghai counselor`s practice, individual counseling, expertise ages up to focus on the "Teenager" to "adult" stage, and good at problem-based "normal psychological problems". 4.Shanghai counselors monthly revenue of 1,000¥ or less up to the practicing fees average about 255¥; institutions to pay counseling costs an average of 166.7¥. 5.Shanghai counselors willing to use two or more of Professional and Continuing. 6.Different state of Shanghai counselors, have different career planning for the next five years. Based on research findings and discussion, the researchers proposed a suggestion for future researchers,or unit in charge of the training units, and the Shanghai Psychological Counseler. Continue to adhere to hold the minimum requirements according to post, begin to integrate the relevant license, Promote the practice registration and continuing education, for Counseling professional services to have a unified specification and practice certification. To those who are interested in Shanghai forensics practitioners should be involved in local training institutions, qualified specification and reflect on personal experience and brand building.


Counselors counseling psychologist Shanghai


林家興、謝昀蓁、孫正大(2008)。諮商心理師執業現況調查研究。中華輔導與諮商學報,23 ,117~145。
