  • 學位論文


The Impact of Go-traveling Mainland Tourists on Taiwan's National Security.

指導教授 : 黃介正


2008 年馬英九政府執政後,兩岸交流無論是經濟或是文化上開始互動,不僅是常態性的互動,在次數上亦較以往頻繁,但回想過去,兩岸之間在政治、軍事或外交上仍存在爾虞我詐、互挖牆角之敵對狀況,除此之外,中國大陸近年來在經濟發展上日益茁壯,大陸人民來臺從事與許可目的不符之工作或活動,甚或中共有計畫偽裝派員進入國內進行滲透、情蒐事件,未曾間斷過,隨著政府新政策開放,就有新的非法入境管道。 2011年6月28日開放陸客來臺自由行,從經濟層面來說,確實為臺灣經濟帶來正面效應,隨著兩岸關係情勢的快速變遷,雙方交流的型式、管道、層次均不斷的提昇和擴展,在兩岸交流秩序邁向正常化的同時,兩岸互動所衍生的諸多問題早已迴異於往昔,但在政府發展經濟的背後,少數大陸觀光客藉觀光名義入臺,實際從事與目的不符之工作或活動,對臺灣的社會治安及國家安全帶來負面影響,因此,在良好的兩岸關係基礎上,兼顧經濟發展與國家安全下,惟有強化管理機制,落實執行,同時強化政府主管機關的安全管理機制,如入境前的審查能力,入境後聯繫、佈建工作及治安機關的查緝能量等,始能延續開放陸客來臺政策,並保障臺灣人民的安全與自由,維持兩岸和平發展並促進經濟成長,達到雙贏的局面,此為本文之研究重點。


陸客 自由行 國家安全


After President Ma was in power in 2008, Cross-strait exchanges start to interact not only in economic but also in cultural aspect, and the numbers of the times of the interactions are more frequent than ever. But in the past, two sides in the politics, military or diplomacy are still in a hostile situation. Moreover, China’s economic development has increasingly grown in recent years. Mainland people coming to Taiwan engage in work or activities with the unapproved purposes or China even assign disguised staff to enter Taiwan to do infiltration, and intelligence gathering event, and never stopped. With the opening of the new policy of government, there will have new illegal immigration ways. The government fully opened up Go-traveling mainland tourist coming to Taiwan since July 28, 2011. From an economic perspective, there is a positive effect for the Taiwan economy indeed. With the rapid changes of the situation cross-strait relations, the both side exchanges of type, pipeline, and levels are constantly upgrading expanding. Cross-strait exchanges order towards normalization; meanwhile, and the cross-strait of the interactions causes many problems. It has long been different from the back in the past. Behind the economic development of the government, few Mainland tourists by the name of sightseeing coming to Taiwan engage in work or activities with the unapproved purposes, made a great impact on national security and public security. Hence, before the support measures be ready, the process of opening up should not be rush. In the meanwhile, the government should strengthen the security management system of the authorities, such as the capacity of investigation before arrival, the contact after entry, provisioning work and the investigation energy of the security organizations. The point of this study is to maintain cross-strait peace and national development on the basis of the fine cross-strait relations.


