  • 學位論文


Building an Early Warning Mechanism for College Students to Avoid Delay Graduation

指導教授 : 陳瑞發


近年來台灣的大學生常有延畢的現象,除了個人因素刻意進行延畢的同學外,一般大學生會自發性的檢查自己有無缺學分或是沒修完必修,而學校只有提供簡易的缺修學分表及暑期補修,並沒有其他的補救或預防措施。一旦學生沒注意自身修課的學分數,稍有疏忽便容易發生未達畢業門檻學分數而導致延畢的狀況。 本研究制訂預警機制,透過預警通知能讓一般學生得知哪些課程需要盡快補足,以利其進行未來的課業規劃,主動補足缺失的學分,減少延畢的情況。除此之外,導師及系上行政單位也能透過此機制,得知班級修課的狀況,統一掌握學習情況較為危險的學生,提早發現並從旁輔導,幫助學生順利完成課業,避免因課業失利而造成畢業上的負擔。


In recent years, Taiwan's college students often graduate delay phenomenon, in addition to personal factors deliberately delaying graduates, college students can check for completing credits, the school only provides summer course, and no other remedial or preventive measures. Once the students do not pay attention to their own course credit, the slightest negligence will easily lead to delay graduation. This study allows students to learn what courses to be filled as soon as possible to make up the missing credits, reducing delays graduation through early warning notification. In addition, the department supervisor and administrative units can also be through this mechanism, to understand students' learning situation, early detection may delay graduation to help students successfully complete their education.


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