  • 學位論文


Taiwan’s Mainland Policy: A Comparison of KMT’s and DPP’s Perspectives of National Interest.

指導教授 : 蘇起


現代國家多致力追求「國家利益」,宣稱國家將努力維護「國家利益」,但事實上「國家利益」的定義卻不明確。有學者認為「國家利益」包含了國家安全、經濟發展及國家尊嚴,有學者則將「國家利益」細分為基本、主要、次要等級;也有學者認為「國家利益」只是少數人爲了掌握國家資源而使用的口號。「國家利益」定義儘管眾說紛紜,但多數學者仍然肯定「國家利益」與國家政策之間的因果關係。 1949年國民政府撤退來台,形成國共隔海對峙的兩岸關係,國民政府根據當時的國家現況,制定許多中國大陸的政策,開啟了制定「大陸政策」的先河。李登輝繼任總統後,陸續成立「大陸政策」的專責機構,由這些機構根據「國家利益」制定、執行政策,並且負責與中國大陸的溝通工作。然而,隨著國家政局穩定、經濟進步以及兩岸關係的和諧發展,李登輝總統的聲望日隆,在「大陸政策」的制定上也掌握更大的決定權。 2000年的政黨輪替,民進黨取代了國民黨,成為台灣第一個本土執政黨。民進黨執政之初,大陸政策延續李登輝後期的路線,並未出現「獨立建國」、「更改國號」或「制定新憲」等激進路線。但是儘管如此,民進黨卻依舊未能突破兩岸關係的困境。在「四不一沒有」後,民進黨政府依其國家利益觀,提出「沒有九二共識」、「否認一中」、「公投」、「制憲」、「正名」以及「一邊一國」等具有台獨意識的政策。本文主要針對國、民兩黨執政時期的「大陸政策」進行分析與比較,希望藉由這些研究找出兩黨執政時期國家利益觀的差異性,進而提出評估與建議。


大陸政策 國家利益


Modern countries are devoted to pursuing “national interest” and declare that they will do their best to safeguard “national interest”; however, the definition of “national interest” is indeterminate. Some scholars think that “national interest” includes national security, economic development and national dignity; others think that “national interest” should be subdivided into basic, main, and secondary level, and still others think that “national interest” is just treated as a slogan by a minority few who want to acquire/control national resources. Even though the definition of “national interest” is widely interpreted, but most scholars still approve the causality between “national interest” and “national policies”/most scholars are still optimistic about the relation between “national interest” and “national policies.” The Chinese Nationalist Government retreated to Taiwan in 1949 and caused a Cross-Strait Relations in which KMT and CCP were opposite and tensed with each other. The Chinese Nationalist Government made a lot of policies towards Mainland China according to the national status quo in that particular time frame and started the making of “Mainland Policy”. The government gradually established organizations specializing in “Mainland Policy” after Lee Teng-hui became the president. These organizations made and executed policies according to “national interest”, and were responsible to connect with Mainland China. However, with the steady political situation, economical development and harmonious development of Cross-Strait Relations, President Lee Teng-hui’s status grew higher and he became more dominant at the decision making level of “Mainland Policy.”. In the Rotation of ruling Parties in 2000, DPP has replaced KMT and became the first local ruling party in Taiwan. At the beginning after DPP took office, the “Mainland Policy” remained that of post-Lee Teng-hui period, without appearing the ideas of “finding the state independently”, “changing the title of a reigning dynasty” or “making new constitutions”. Even so, DPP still failed to break through the predicament of Cross-Strait Relations. In accordance with DPP’s national interest view, DPP government put forward policies such as “no 1992 consensus”, ”denying one -China”, “referendum”, “making new constitutions”, “rectifying Taiwan’s name” and “One country on each side” that possess the consciousness of Taiwan independence after “four ones, one have-not”. The text mainly analyses and compares about KMT’s and DPP’s “Mainland Policy” when they come into power, and hope that we can find out the differences in perspectives of national interest between KMT and DPP, and then propose evaluations and suggestions


Mainland Policy National Interest




趙曉雲(2010)。民進黨執政時期的外交決策之研究 (2000—2008年)〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2010.00968
