  • 學位論文


A study of ASEAN’S South China Sea Policy under collective identify perspective from constructivism.

指導教授 : 翁明賢


東協各國藉以政治與安全上的合作層級,維繫區域內各國間的和平。1991年前蘇聯瓦解,傳統兩極穩定的機制頓時失衡,一時亞太地區陷入權力真空狀態。就亞太地區域內單一地區的安全爭議最高者首推南海區域,無論是主權、領域的爭議、海洋蘊藏資源的開發及海洋航線維護均涉及許多國家的利益。經過多年累積的政治對話與信心建設,東協會員國之間尚未因情勢緊張而爆發武力衝突的事件,並瞭解相互依存的地理環及共同的願景,是維護該區域安全的基本條件。 南沙群島主權爭議已逐漸趨向國際化,以雙邊協商談判之方式解決南沙爭議變得更加困難,南海區域安全的發展一向是各國經濟發展的基礎,東協國家「集體身份」的形成及影響因素分為四種主要變項包括:一、相互依存:東協區域組織形成後,首先獲得的是經貿的發展利益,隨著經貿的統合完成後,對於周邊國家引發的磁吸效應將更顯著。二、共同命運:海上交通線影響到中國大陸、日本及韓國的經濟命脈,從中東地區運抵東亞的石油都須經此航道通行,一旦發生危機,將牽動整體東協國家的發展。三、同質性:政治安全是經濟的基礎,為確保經濟得以發展,必須要有穩定的政治環境作為後盾,東協的成立在政治上將影響整體亞太地區的政治發展。四、自我約束:針對東協特定成員國在南海問題上,可藉由擱置主權爭議而尋求共同合作開發,因而降低衝突發生的可能性。 東協區域組織的成立,在未來的發展上雖仍面臨內、外環境的挑戰,惟這些挑戰因素將可能會因經濟合作議題的發酵而暫時擱置南海主權爭議,或藉由制度化的規範形成制約力量。對於整個亞太地區的經濟體系與區域安全而言都將產生重大的影響,其中包括經濟資源、亞太軍事力量的重新分配。最後從建構主義集體身份論檢證東協國家在安全合作方面將會朝向集體安全形式發展,多方合作將在這個領域更加密合,在亞太區域發展上形成一個強大的經濟體系。


The States of ASEAN maintain regional peace between the States through political and security cooperation. After the collapse of former Soviet Union in 1991, the traditionally stable bipolar mechanism suddenly lost balance, leaving the Asian-Pacific Region to temporarily face with power vacuum. The South China Sea area is the single area in Asian-Pacific Region with the highest security controversy; whereas the sovereignty, areas of controversy, development of marine resources, and maintenance of maritime routes, all involve the interests of many countries. After years of political dialogue and confidence building, there have not been any breakout of armed conflicts due to tensions between the ASEAN State members and the members understand the interdependent geographic location and common vision are the basic conditions for maintaining security for the area. The sovereignty disputes over Nansha Islands are gradually moving towards internationalization and hence solving the Nansha disputes through bilateral negotiation and consultation becomes increasingly difficult. The development of security in the South China Sea area has long been the foundation of economic development for a number of countries while the formation and influence factors of the “Collective Identity” of ASEAN States comprise four major variables: 1. Interdependency: The first benefit received after the formation of the ASEAN Regional Organization is the economic development interest while the completion of economic integration will trigger a more significant magnetic effect to surrounding countries. 2. Common Destiny: The Sea Lines of Communication affect the economic lifeline of mainland China, Japan and Korea, where the petroleum delivered from Middle East to East Asia must take passage of this channel. Any crisis will affect the overall development of ASEAN States. 3. Homogeneity: Political security is the economic foundation and the support of a stable Political environment is required for ensuring economic development. The establishment of ASEAN will have political influence over the political development in the entire Asian-Pacific Area. 4. Self-restraints: For specific ASEAN States with issues on South China Sea, shelving sovereignty disputes and seeking joint collaboration in development could reduce possibilities of conflict incidents. Although the establishment of ASEAN Regional Organization still face internal and external challenges from the environment in future development, these challenge factors will be temporarily shelved with sovereignty disputes over the South China Sea for form restraining power through systematic regulations due to the ferment of economic cooperation. Such organization will lead to major impact on the economic system and regional security in the entire Asian-Pacific area, including the reallocation of economic resources and Asian-Pacific military forces. Finally, the ASEAN States analyzed through the collective identify of constructivism will move towards a collective security development in terms of security cooperation while multi-cooperation will bring this field close and form a strong economic system in the development of Asian-Pacific area.


Bishop, William W., International Law: Cases and Materials(Boston: Little Brown and


