  • 學位論文


The Migratory Grief and Process of Adapting to North American Culture of Elderly Taiwanese Immigrants in the United States

指導教授 : 李本京


老化這個過程是個無可避免的生理現象,所謂老化,是指一個人隨著時間流逝所發生非歸因於疾病的變化之總和。但過程中除了老化本身的影響之外,還可能受到環境、生活型態、棄用或疾病等其他因素的影響。此篇研究調查專注於台灣老年人移居美國生活後適應的程度。美國長久一來被視為移民者的天堂和退休養老的好去處,但對於不受西式教育的老年人而言,美國的生活環境是否能讓他們適應成為此研究的重點。 對移民者來說,移居到外地必須適應當地的環境,新的文化也會帶來一定的衝擊。移民者需花時間適應,適應的時間長短不盡相同,但對於老年移民來說又更為艱難了一些。老年移民除了要顧及對新文化的吸收,此外還要面對老化可能帶來的不便。移居者會經歷不同程度上和家人及朋友分離的痛苦,對老年人來說更是如此,此時悲傷、生氣、沮喪等等的情緒一一浮現。 根據Pederson的理論,文化衝擊可分為五個階段:蜜月期、分離期、和解期、自治期、互存期。此篇研究探討了移民在這五個階段實際的生活適應情況,並加以分析移民美國的移居者的生活品質。此研究也探討對台灣老年移民的協助,使移居者能加速適應新環境。


老年移民 悲傷 孝順 儒家思想 網際網路


When people move from one place to another, it takes time to get used to a new environment. It seems that the immigrants were experiencing the pain of separation and loss of homeland. The degree, timing, and manifestation of their grief varied. There are some important factors that determine it, such as language, cultural background, and age. Even though, the United States is rated to be one of the best countries to migrate to for retirement. Some elderly Taiwanese that are used to live in a different background than a Western culture may experience culture shock and have a hard time adjusting to their new lives since they are not able to complete daily tasks. Elderly Taiwanese immigrants may be confronted with situations such as, grief, anger, and depression. However, immigrants of all ages can encounter this paradox. As for younger generations, the process of getting used to a new life can be faster since it is easier for them to adapt new ideas and concepts. Based on the theory of Pedersen, there are five stages of culture shock, the honeymoon stage, the disintegration stage, the reintegration stage, the autonomy stage, and finally the interdependence stage. Immigrants go through each of the stage by time. Speaking of aging, it happens to everyone inevitably. Aging is commonly defined as the accumulation of diverse deleterious changes occurring in cells and tissues with advancing age that are responsible for the increased risk of disease and death. With the increasing risk of disease and death, there are more things older adults need to worry about when migrating to an unknown country since elderly people tend to have problem of disability at some point of their elderhood. In this research, I would like to observe the reasons that lead elderly Taiwanese immigrants to migratory grief even when they voluntarily migrate by themselves by examining their life style both in the United States and in Taiwan. Also, I will analyze their changes after immigration. By comparing different traditional values and lifestyle, readers can have a better understanding for the conflicts. In the end, I will also observe the way to sooth the grief and adjust to the host country quicker.


Huang, Shinn-Jang (2004), “The Development and Research of Community Medicine”, Taipei City Medical Journal Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 1-5
English Resources
Best, J. (1995), Images of issues: Typifying contemporary social problems, New York:
Gyory, Andrew (1998), Closing the Gate: Race, Politics, and Chinese Exclusion Act,Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press
Johnson, Tanya F. (1995), Elder Mistreatment: Ethical Issues, Dilemmas, and Decisions, The Haworth Press, Inc
