  • 學位論文


The study of the cooperation between Life Insurance company with brokers & agents in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 胡宜仁


眾多壽險公司為了開發業務收入來源,由直屬業務員通路另設置一般保險經紀(代理)人行銷通路。對於壽險公司而言,開發保險經紀(代理)人通路應克服難題,便是如何與保險經紀(代理)人建立互信及長期合作關係,在增加保費收入及維持業務品質之同時,亦挑戰壽險公司如何維繫保單有效比例及提供多元化服務內容。 本研究係探討壽險公司與保險經紀(代理)人於合作期間所簽訂合作內容與壽險公司給付之佣酬項目、合作期間所存在之問題加以分析討論,保險經紀(代理)人通路於壽險市場產生之影響、壽險公司如何控制與管理保險經紀(代理)人招攬契約之衝突,藉由採集國內外文獻對壽險業建置保險經紀(代理)人通路之現況,並且利用市場實務之運作分析,於最後提出結論與建議,歸納如下: 一、壽險公司與保險經紀(代理)人藉由策略聯盟模式為創造並維持競爭優勢,以求達到長期獲利之效益。 二、業務人員將佣金利益做為規劃商品之優先考量,忽略投保人實際需求及經濟能力,對此,不僅損及投保人之信心,同時傷害保險經紀(代理)人與壽險公司之形象。 三、現行主管機關所訂定之監督管理與罰責,因壽險公司與保險經紀(代理)人公司規模不一,而無法一體適用;另外,礙於監督管理機關審查人員不足,未能應付數百家及經營規模不同之保險經紀(代理)人,對於未遵守法令或執業之業者無法確實監督與管理。 四、壽險公司建置客戶服務中心以縮短與消費者之間距離,除發揮親切、快速、簡便及個人化服務等項功能,供客戶多元化及全方位之服務功能。


In order to boost up the sales revenue and diverse the distribution channels, numerous life insurance companies cooperate with broker/agent companies in additional to their captive agents. From the standpoint of the life Insurance companies, the challenge is how to keep a long-term and reliable cooperation relationship with the broker/agent companies to have growing and sustainable premium incomes as well as to maintain a high effective rate of the insurance policies as they offer the multiplex service to their customers. This study scrutinizes the contract between the life insurance company and the broker/agent company and the sales compensation scheme. The conflict and management between these two channels are also discussed as well as the impact to the current life insurance market. The study overviews the domestic and foreign literatures and research into the current life insurance market cases to understand the practical operation between the life insurance companies and broker/agent companies. Below please find the conclusions and recommendation of the study. I.In order to maintain competitive advantage, the life insurance company works with broker/agent companies in a relationship of strategic alliance for a sustainable profit. II.It will hurt the confidence of customers and the brand image of the life insurance company and the broker/agent companies if the salespersons of the broker/agent companies consider their compensation benefit rather than a need-base plan of the prospects. III.The existing regulation and management measures by the authority can’t work through all broker/agent companies due to the insufficiency of the human resources of official authorities. IV.Life insurance company can improve the service level by their own customer service centers to reduce the expectation gap between customers brought and serviced by the broker/agent companies.


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