  • 學位論文


Using Web Service Architecture to Construct Cross Domain Framework for SCORM Platform

指導教授 : 黃仁俊


Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM)的提出主要是為了讓遠距教學的課程內容部份有共同的標準,利用XML標記語言所提供的標準描述,可以將遠距教學的課程內容以統一的結構描述方式進行包裝。由於包裝的內容結構都以共通標準的方式所包裝,因此這些課程內容可以在不同的遠距教學系統平台使用,而各種平台也可利用這些描述了解課程的架構與內容,因此利用SCORM標準進行包裝的課程,能夠讓遠距教學的教材內容達到易存取、可交換、能持久以及能夠重複使用的目的。可惜的是SCORM所定義出的架構主要是針對教材的資料部份提出包裝的模型以及瀏覽順序的控制資料模型,SCORM並未真正解決教材於各種平台之通用性,再者,SCORM也未提及不同平台實際溝通與教材互換、引用的方式。在本篇論文中,我們提出利用網路服務的架構來建置SCORM跨領域的平台,此平台能夠讓符合SCORM的遠距教學教材在不同的平台或是裝置上均能被閱讀、使用,而這些平台與裝置都可使用統一的網路服務介面來存取教材或與遠距教學系統進行溝通,而各個裝置平台所使用的溝通語言也是符合標準的SOAP訊息。利用我們所提出的網路服務架構,我們希望能夠提出SCORM在跨領域與平台的解決方案,此外藉由充份利用網路服務架構易於擴充的優點,我們所提出的平台架構能夠透過簡易增加新網路服務的方式與現有的網路服務整合,以達到與日新月異的遠距教學標準接軌的目標。


Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) was introduced to provide a standardized E-Learning content packaging model. Through common XML meta-data descriptions, Learning Management Systems are able to understand the learning content within the package. The standard packaging model allows E-Learning content to be more accessible, interoperable, reusable, and durable. However, SCORM only provides the common data model and the idea of sequencing and navigation model. SCORM did not solve the problems for actual content sharing or interoperating. In this paper, we propose a web service architecture which allows SCORM compliant courseware to be run on different device platforms through common web service APIs. In this architecture, SCORM web service APIs serve different clients platforms according to standard SOAP based message communication. By applying web service to construct our proposed framework architecture, we hope to demonstrate how cross domain issues are solved. Furthermore, with the advantages of web service architecture, the proposed framework is easy to be extended with new services for the capability to be adjusted to accommodate novel extensions of common E-Learning standards.


SCORM Pocket SCORM Distance Education E-Learning Web Service SOAP


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