  • 學位論文


The Wabicha of the Japan and the Related Tooics

指導教授 : 劉長輝


西元八世紀,日本經由遣唐使和留學僧自中國唐朝將茶傳入日本之後,日本自此建構起輝煌的茶道文化。且隨著時代演變和茶人美意識的變遷進而衍生出「恬靜茶道」。 「茶」 最初以「舶來飲料」之姿在貴族社會間廣為流傳,進而滲透到僧侶、武士以及一般大眾階層。且「茶」也由最初具有「養生效果」的飲料進而演變為室町初期賭博性質的「鬪茶」及莊重嚴謹的「書院茶」。之後,至室町末期,誕生了講求樸實且不失穩重的「恬靜茶道」。在此演變過程中,居功厥偉的三大茶人是村田珠光、武野紹鴎、以及千利休。茶祖村田珠光開創了「恬靜茶道」,接著武野紹鴎將其展開,最後由茶聖千利休完成了整個「恬靜茶道」的樸實化。而「恬靜茶道」之所以會產生主要也是因為茶人美意識的變遷所致。鎌倉時期以及室町初期茶室的擺設主要是以中國傳來的高貴的文物為主,例如莊重的青瓷茶碗。但隨著茶人們美意識的變遷,不僅改變了原來茶室富麗堂皇的風貌,更進而改變了與茶有關的一些事物。例如茶道具中的茶碗、茶會中的茶懷石與茶果子等等。換言之,也就是回歸到茶道單純「砍柴、燒水、奌茶、供佛、端給客人喝、自己也喝」的原點,而這正是「恬靜茶道」。「恬靜茶道」的產生就是將過去繁瑣複雜的茶道文化帶入簡單樸實又不失莊重的領域。 以往的茶道研究,大多傾向於茶道流派的探討。但對於「恬靜茶道」以及其周邊的茶文化、甚至深藏在其中的禪佛思想大多是約略帶過。因此,本論文對於「恬靜茶道」的產生及其所衍生出來茶文化的變遷將進行深入的研究和探討。


茶道 恬靜茶道 茶室 茶碗 茶懷石 茶果子


In the 8th century, Japan began its splendid tea culture after receiving the tea seed through The Kentôshi and the Buddhist monk. As time passed, the changes of the aesthetic sense of chazin (the master of the tea ceremony)and wabicha appeared in the tea world. At first, Cha was known as an imported good and was very popular among the nobles, monks, samurais, as well as the average people. Also, the status of cha also changed from a health drink to the Tōcha and the solemn syoincha) of the Muromachi period. At the end of the Muromachi period, the Wabicha appeared. During this transformative period, the most important three chazins were the Murata Shukō, Takeno Jōō and Sen no Rikyū. Murata Shukō created the style of the Wabicha, Takeno Jōō developed the Wabicha, and Sen no Rikyū completed the transformation of the Wabicha. The main factor of the Wabicha that appeared is the change of the aesthetic sense of chazin. The decorations of the chashitsu(tea house) mainly came from the expensive China wares during the Kamakura period and the Muromachi period, such as the Seiji chawan(celadon-ware). But along with the changes of the aesthetic sense of chazin, the style of the chashitsu change as well as something that concerned tea. For example, the chawan, the cha-kaiseki, and the cha-gashi. In other words, coming back to the origin of the tea. The origin of the tea is just to cut the firewood, to boil the water, to make tea, to worship the Buddha, to serve the people and also to make tea for themselves. This is the Wabicha. The Wabicha simply leads the sophisticated form of the tea to a place of simplicity and solemnity. Most of the theses emphasized the Schools of Japanese Tea ceremony . The related topics and thoughts of Zen Buddhism of the Wabicha were seldom referred to. Therefore, this thesis will greater emphasize the transformation of the Wabicha and the related topics.


Chanoyu Wabicha Chashitsu Chawan Cha-kaiseki Cha-gashi


千宗室 (1977)『茶道古典全集 第一巻』淡交社
千宗室 (1977)『茶道古典全集 第二巻』淡交社
千宗室 (1977)『茶道古典全集 第三巻』淡交社
千宗室 (1977)『茶道古典全集 第四巻』淡交社

