  • 學位論文


A Study on Current Situation and Development of Online Insurance in Insurance Industry

指導教授 : 胡宜仁


為了因應網際網路、金融科技技術及行動裝置的發展,保險業積極將這三種科技技術運用在保險上面促進保險業未來的發展,並且希望能夠結合線上及線下的服務,發展出有別於以往不同的經營方式。我國保險業在網路運用的發展比國外慢,本研究希望能夠藉由國外的發展中分析出可以適用於我國保險業的方式,不論是在投保模式、監理法規、創新型保險商品或是新型的定價方式等,為我國保險業的未來發展提供相關之建議。 全文一共分為五章,第壹章為緒論,主要在介紹網際網路及行動裝置的使用狀況以及目前保險業網路投保開辦狀況,提出我國現在經營網路投保業務之限制、研究方法及架構。第貳章為電子商務、保險電子商務、保險業辦理網路投保主要規範及影響消費者使用網路投保因素之文獻回顧。第參章是敘述國外網路投保之發展概況,以美國、英國、日本及中國為主。第肆章主要敘述我國辦理網路投保及網路保險服務之開辦情形及發展狀況,其中包含介紹網路投保之模式與網路保險服務項目及法規規範,除此之外,藉由我國目前之發展概況與國外之現狀做比較與分析,了解其中的差異性。經過前面的敘述並且透過本研究使用之研究方法分析之後做出的結論,總結後參照國外運用網路投保及網路保險服務之方式對我國未來之發展提出建議,此為本文第伍章之結論與建議。


To further the development of insurance industry in Taiwan, practitioners adopt internet, financial technology, and mobile devices as well as evolve different business model that expect to combine online and off-line service for their prosperity. However, Internet insurance market in Taiwan is less developed than countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, and China. The purpose of this study is to analyze the successful patterns in other countries and conclude a model suitable for Taiwan, including online insurance model, online insurance regulations, new type of insurance product pricing and etc. The suggestions for future development are also proposed. There are five chapters in this study. The use of internet and mobile devices as well as current online insurance purchase are introduced in chapter one. The current limitations of operating online insurance in Taiwan as well as the methodology and structure of this study are also described in this section. In chapter two, literatures regarding electronic commerce, insurance electronic commerce, online insurance regulation, and the determinants for consumers to use online insurance are reviewed. The development of online insurance market in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, and China are summarized in chapter three. Chapter four elaborates the internet insurance market in Taiwan, including the online insurance model, products, service, and regulations. Furthermore, the comparisons were made between the developments in Taiwan and aforementioned countries. Conclusions and suggestions for the development of insurance industry in Taiwan were made and specified in chapter five.


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