  • 學位論文

理想與現實之間 ─ 七年級生的工作價值探討

Ideals and Realities – A Study of the Work Value of 80s Generation

指導教授 : 陳瑞貴


隨著時間的流動,世代交替是未來社會必須面對的問題,在台灣的七年級生常被討論是否為草莓族?且最近許多新聞報導、雜誌也紛紛討論起這個世代在職場上的點點滴滴。現今七年級生初入職場,他們的工作價值將影響他們在工作上的表現,而未來七年級生也將接管台灣的社會。 本研究是想探討七年級生的工作價值,在台灣邁入黃金十年之後,思想自由化和網路世界快速發達的環境下所蘊育下的這個世代,對於工作價值有什麼特別的看法,並藉由就業選擇與工作經驗來探討七年級生經由原初的工作價值經歷了職場的洗禮後,所產生的新工作價值。透過深度訪談,本文發現:七年級生在求學階段進而到職場上都有些個人經驗改變了他們,由原初工作價值到轉變後的工作價值這段期間,有分為持續、尋找、轉變中的工作行為,而本文歸納為始終如一、隨波逐流和築夢等三種工作價值來定義七年級生。


七年級生 工作價值 世代


Generation change is the problem that Taiwan must face it in the future. The 80s in Taiwan is considered as strawberry generation. & there are many news & magazines report how this generation act in careers. Now, it’s the first time these 80s enter the workplace. Their work value will effect what they act in work, & 80s will lead the society in the future. This research is aimed at researching the work value of the 80s. This generation grows up in an environment of thinking liberty & rapid-growth internet. This research is adopted depth interview to find out what’s the original work value of the 80s & the new work value after the work baptism they experienced it. The core finding of this research is that the personal experience of study & work will change them. & for the work behaviors, there are three different types: continued, searching, & shift. As a result, this research defines the 80s in three kinds of work value: consistent, drift, & dream weavers.


the 80s work value generation


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