  • 學位論文


A Study of the Effect of Satisfaction of the Synchronous and Asynchronous Instructional Design on Learning Outcome-with an Example of Tamkang University

指導教授 : 何俐安


資訊科技及網際網路的快速與蓬勃的發展,使網路為主的學習環境逐漸成為遠距教學的趨勢。遠距教學可分為同步及非同步學習兩種模式,文獻指出此兩種方式各有利弊,因此,網路輔助的遠距課程採取何種模式,常依據教學設計師(或教師)對平台功能、頻寬限制、課程內容、學習者特質來規劃。本研究旨在分析淡江大學學生參與網路輔助遠距學習的現況,研究從同步與非同步學習滿意度的角度分析其對學習成效之影響,希望藉由探討同步以及非同步的課程規劃、平台功能、學習服務、學習內容及互動與回饋對學習成效的影響,提供教學設計師或教師於遠距教學課程設計上之參考,更能適切地分配網路輔助教學在同步以及非同步的比例,提高學習成效。本研究採問卷調查法,以淡江大學參與網路輔助教學的學習者為研究對象(N=291,有效回收率67%),回收問卷以t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, stepwise regression統計方法進行數據分析。研究獲得的結論有以下幾點: 一、遠距教學學習者非同步學習滿意度因背景變項的不同,在部分構面達顯著差異。 二、遠距教學學習者同步學習滿意度因背景變項的不同,在部分構面達顯著差異。 三、遠距教學學習者學習成效因背景變項的不同,在部分構面達顯著差異。 四、當非同步與同步學習滿意度同時投入預測學習成效時,非同步學習內容、同步學習內容、同步互動與回饋對學習成效具顯著影響。 五、同步及非同步學習內容在眾多因素中脫穎而出,對學習成效影響甚劇。


There is growing trend towards distance education due to rapid and vigorous IT and Internet development. Distance education can be differentiated into synchronous and asynchronous learning. Existing literature points out that each method has its own pros and cons. Therefore, the Internet-assisted distance course is usually planned by instructional designers (or teachers) based on available platform functions, bandwidth constrains, course content, and learner characteristics. This study aims to examine the effect of synchronous and asynchronous distance learning satisfaction on learning effectiveness. The results are expected to provide some pointers for people planning distance learning so that a proper ratio of synchronous and asynchronous can be in place. This is a survey research. A questionnaire was used to collect data. This study targets the undergraduate students who are currently enrolled in Internet-assisted learning course at Tamkang University ((N=291, 67% valid response rate). A survey questionnaire was used collect data and the findings are: 1.Asynchronous learning distance education learner satisfaction different background variables, in some facet significant differences. 2.Synchronous learning distance education learner satisfaction different background variables, in some facet significant differences. 3.The effectiveness of distance education learners in different background variables, in some facet significant differences. 4.When all factors from the synchronous and asynchronous learning satisfaction joined together, only asynchronous learning content, synchronous learning content and synchronous interactive feedback demonstrated significant influences on learning effectiveness. 5.The learning content, both in synchronous and asynchronous environment, was found to be the most influential factor on learning effectiveness.




