  • 學位論文


Economy in the district in Communist China development strategy research-take" Haixi region " as an example

指導教授 : 潘錫堂 龔春生


中共所謂的「海峽西岸經濟區」(以下簡稱「海西區」)概念是針對海峽東岸台灣而提出的。「海西區」在地域上是指以福建福州、廈門、泉州為中心,以閩東南地區為主體,北起浙江溫州,南至廣東汕頭的台灣海峽西部的海域與陸地地區。此一概念始於福建在1995年首次提出的建設「海峽西岸繁榮帶」,2003年9月則正式提出「海峽西岸經濟區」的名稱。為此中共福建省委曾於2004年11月15日發佈「海峽西岸經濟區建設綱要(試行) 」以及「關於發展壯大中心城市的若干意見(試行)」、「關於加快產業集聚培育產業集群的若干意見(試行)」兩個相關配套措施,揭櫫「海西區」建設的重要意義、總體要求和戰略目標。 2005年10月11日,中共十六屆五中全會審議通過「中共中央關於制定國民經濟和社會發展第十一個五年規劃的建議」,將「海西區」建設列入其中,並將之視為「推進兩岸關係發展和統一大業」的重要戰略舉措。隨後,11月5日中共福建省委7屆10次全會也通過「中共福建省委關於制定福建省國民經濟和社會發展第十一個五年規劃的建議」,表明「海西區」建設已經成為中央與地方的共同決策與戰略,未來「十二五」規劃預判,亦將海西區列入其未來五年經濟規劃之列。 2006年1月12日至16日,大陸國家主席胡錦濤到福建視察並與台商會面,時值中共第十一個五年規劃開局之際,胡錦濤此舉顯示中共對「海西區」的重視與支援,相關的規劃與建設步伐將加快,也凸顯出胡錦濤的對台工作重點;尤其近期於海南所舉行之博鰲論壇,中共國家副主席習近平亦與我台灣代表錢復先生會面時擬將「兩岸經濟合作架構協議」(ECFA)於海西區試行視為重點產業培植區域,是將與台灣互動區域化,恐為針對我台灣中南部民眾進行統戰,擬吸引台灣中南部企業赴海西區投資或工作,仍將是繼續推動以經促統,因此福建有可能推出新的對台經貿政策,對台商進一步提供優惠的便利措施,後續發展值得密切觀察。


Taiwan is no doubt the main reason behind China’s proposal of the Economic Zone West of the Taiwan Strait, hereafter referred to as Haixi region. Geographically, the Haixi region includes areas ranging from Wenzhou, Zhejian province from the north, to waters and inlands of Shantou, Guangdong, west of Taiwan Strait to the south, which take Fujian’s Fuzhou, Xiamen and Chuanzhou as its centers of development. The concept was first raised by Fujian’s program of the Prosperous Belt West of Taiwan Strait in 1995. The name of the Economic Zone West of the Taiwan Strait came officially proposed in September 2003. Accordingly, Fujian provincial government released the Outlines for Construction of the Economic Zone West of the Taiwan Strait, the Opinions for Developing and Strengthening Major Cities, and the Opinions for Accelerating the Gathering of Industries and Cultivating Industry Groupings, to highlight the importance of constructing the Haixi region as well as to set up general requirement and strategic goals. October 11, 2005, the 5th Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the CPC reviewed and passed the CPC Politbureau’s suggestion on the 11th Five-Year Plan about formulating the development of the national economy and society, to include the Haixi region as a part of the 11th Five-Year Plan, and use the region as a leverage to promote cross-strait relations and reunification. Later on November 5, the 10th Plenary of the 7th Provincial Committee of Fujian also gave green light to the Provincial Party’s suggestion on the 11th Five-Year Plan about formulating the development of the provincial economy and society. The provincial committee stressed that the Haixi region was a joint decision and shared strategy between the central and local governments and was going to be included in the 12th Five-Year Plan as well. January 12 to 16, 2006, right after China unveiled its 11th Five-Year Plan, PRC President Hu Jintao went to Fujian province on an inspection trip and met with Taiwanese businessmen working in Mainland China. Hu’s visit meant that the PRC government thought highly of the Haixi region and would render as much support as possible. It also showed that China would step up related planning and construction works and that Haixi region made Hu’s priority strategy towards Taiwan. Nevertheless, Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping told Taiwan President’s representative, Dr. Fredric Chien, at the Boao Forum in Hainan, that the experimental practice of ECFA in Haixi region would help turn the region into a center for cultivating key indusries. Since China’s goal is to integrate interaction with Taiwan into a regional mechanism, we cannot rule out the possibility that China might launch its United Front campaign towards Taiwanese people, especially the southern Taiwanese, in order to attract industries from southern Taiwan to invest in the Haixi region. In this regard, Fujian province would come up with new economic policies towards Taiwan so as to offer even more attractive incentives to Taiwanese businessmen. Continuous academic attention and efforts are required to maintain a close observation of the issue’s future development.


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18.耿慶武,2001年,中國區域經濟發展(台北:聯經出版社) 。
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