  • 學位論文


French Policy toward China during Presidency of Chirac

指導教授 : 郭秋慶


法國與中國自1964年建交後,基於中國的廣大經濟能力與兩國對於冷戰時兩極體系的不滿等共識,使兩國關係發展平穩。直至1989年天安門事件發生時,法國積極對中國制裁的立場、1990年代初期法國對台灣出售軍事設備等,使兩國日漸加溫的關係暫時停止。 但在1993年法國進入左右共治,至1994年法中發布關係正常化公報後,雙方關係開始快速恢復。1995年席哈克當選法國總統,使兩國關係正式重回軌道,並確定了法中發展更密切夥伴關係的意願。在席哈克的推動之下,法國率先表示不再於聯合國人權委員會對中國人權狀況進行譴責,並在同年成為第一個與中國建立夥伴關係的西方國家。此後兩國開始在許多國際議題上具有共識,並在經濟、軍事與社會層面上更進一步的合作。席哈克致力將歐中關係,特別是法中關係發展成一種夥伴甚至是一種軸心關係,來影響整個國際秩序,並創造美國、歐洲與中國之間的新戰略三角。 然而國家在追求彼此利益的同時,不可避免將遇到潛在的摩擦甚至是衝突,雙方必然存在如外交、貿易逆差與台灣議題等問題。本文試圖探討與驗證席哈克的中國政策中,法中兩國在夥伴關係下的合作與困境,以及在席哈克執政時期法中關係的成效與影響為何。


法國 中國 席哈克 台灣 武器禁運 人權 夥伴關係


Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1964, France-China relations have developed steadily, because of not only the wide economy of China but also they shared a similar willingness to free their respective nations from the constraints of the bipolar world imposed by the cold war context. But in 1989, France’s proactive attitude to the Tiananmen massacre and then French arm sales to Taiwan in the 1990s put an end to the developing relations between both countries. However, the return to power of the Neo-Gaullist Party in 1993, the France-China’s communication in 1994, all favored an Unprecedented rapprochement between both countries. In 1995 Jacques Chirac’s election put their relations back on the track and confirmed France’s intention to develop a close partnership with China. In 1997 France became the first democratic nation to push for abandoning attempts to condemn China in the Unites Nations Human Rights Commission, and second country to establish 「Global Partnership」with China in the same year. Since then, Paris and Beijing have not only shared identical or similar stance on a larger number of questions, including the highly sensitive Taiwan issue, but also started further economic, military and cultural cooperations. Chirac contributes to develop EU-China relations, in particular France-China relations, as strategic partnership or even as an axis affecting whole international order, and creating a new strategic triangle between USA, EU and China. However, nations inevitably encounter potential frictions, or conflicts, while pursuing national interests. There are absolutely numbers of problems on diplomacy, trade balance, Taiwan issue and etc. This article aims to demonstrate how France, in Chirac’s china policy, cooperates with PRC, what difficulties they encounter, and the efforts of France-China relations during the presidency of Chirac.


France China Chirac Taiwan arms embargo human right partnership


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